
必修1:Unit 4 Earthquakes grammar 定语从句 (共31张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:86次 大小:2717350Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。 GrammarThe Attributive ClauseWhich movie is it?2. It is a movie which is directed by Feng Xiaogang.3. It is a movie which is about an earthquake in Tangshan, China in 1976.4. It is a movie that has won many prizes.1.It is a movie which is based on a true sad story.Guessing GameThis is a touching movie.After Shock(唐山大地震) is a touching movie which reminds people of a sad experience in 1976.Why do we use the attributive clause?When a word or an expression can’t be used to express yourself, you use it.这是我的水杯。 This is my cup.这是装满水的水杯。 This is the cup full of water.This is the cup which I use to drink tea.这是我喝茶用的杯子。Watch and find The structure of the Attributive Clause He is an English teacher who likes singing songs.定语从句先行词(antecedent)引导词(relative pronoun /relative adverb )结构:先行词(antecedent)+引导词+定语从句(the attributive clause)1.After Shock is a movie which/that was very touching. 2. Wang Deng is a young girl who/that was left alone by her mother. 3. Li Yuanni is a mother who /that lived a hard life with her son. 4. It is a movie whose director is Feng Xiaogang. 5. Anne wants a friend whom/who/that she could tell everything to. 6. Anne is the person whom/who/that I want to see. 7. This is a clever boy whose deskmate is my brother. 8. This is a new school which/that is beautiful. What are the relative pronouns(关系代词)? When can we use them?Conclusion:When the antecedent(先行词) is something,we can use relative pronoun(关系代词) _____, _____. When the antecedent(先行词)is somebody,we can use relative pronoun(关系代词) _____, _____ or _____. 3. When the antecedent(先行词)is somebody or something,and the relative pronoun(关系代词) is before a noun, we use _____.whichthatthatwhowhomwhosethat/whichCan you find any games _____we can play? I want to buy a dictionary _____ I can use in my study. Do you know the flowers _____our teacher is watering?★When which or that is used as the object(宾语)in the clause,we can take it away.which/thatthat/whichthat/whichIt is a school _____we find very beautiful.This is a school _____ is located in Meicheng .which/thatwhich/that1.Anne wants a friend whom/who/that she could tell everything to.2. Anne is the person whom/who/that I want to see.★When who, whom or that is used as the object(宾语)in the clause,we can take it away.who/whom/thatAnneShe wants a friend _____she could tell everything to.What kind of friend do you want?whom/who1.It is a poor animal whose heart is broken.3.Zhang Bozhi is a popular star _____ ex-husband is Xie Tingfeng2.After Shock is a touching movie _____ director is Feng Xiaogang. 4. Obama is American president _____ skin is black.★ whose = the antecedent +’s, the antecedent (先行词)can be something or somebody.When can we use “whose”?=animal’s =movie’s whosewhosewhosePractice makes perfect. 3. We still remember the days _____ we spent together in the countryside.1. A house _____ is built on sand may fall down in an earth ... ...

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