
外研版高中英语选修六Module 5 Cloning Reading ang vocablary 教学课件(共55张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:57次 大小:876026Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件55张PPT。外研新标准 第六册(选修6)同步教学辅助课件Module 5 CloningP2 Reading and Vocabularychase disgust emotion fiancée murder refuse burn out breathe veinv. 追逐,追赶,追踪 v. 使觉得恶心;使厌烦 n.感情,情绪 n. 未婚妻 v. 谋杀 v. 拒绝 (火)燃尽,烧完自灭 v. 呼吸 n. 血管,静脉 contrast contrast with rush throw oneself on… fear make a sound again and again nightmarev. 对照 与……形成对照 v. 冲,猛冲 扑倒在……上 n. 害怕,恐惧 发出声音 一再,屡次 n. 噩梦Objectives1. To understand the passage about Frankenstein 2. To summarise the main idea and retell the passage 3. To learn some words and expressions in the passage 4. To have an awareness of scientists’ social responsibility Words: clone terrify chase disgust resemble contrast emotion murder refuse fear Expressions: burn out contrast with make a sound throw oneself on again and againFocus on beauty bone fiancée murder (v.)1. Which of these words are connected with feelings? 2. Which words are connected with making something? 3. Which word means to quickly follow someone in order to catch him / her?Answer the questions about the words in the box.P58 3emotiondisgustfearcreationcreatorchaseemotiondisgustfearcreatorcreationchase4. Which word refers to a woman who is going to marry soon? 5. Which word means to kill someone? 6. Which word is the noun of the word beautiful? 7. Which word describes a part of the human body? chase creation creator disgust emotion fear fiancéemurderbeautybonefiancémurder (v.)beautyboneFrankenstein’s monster Frankenstein is a scientist. He uses bones from dead bodies to create a creature. It was regarded as a monster. It was crazy. Then it began to murder human beings. At the end of the story, the monster died.Monster?Monster’s lookMonster’s emotionThe place monster livesThe end of the monsterNow read the passage and check the points mentioned in the passage.What do you think of the monster in the story of Frankenstein? For general ideasSkimmingPart 1: The general story Part 2: Extract P1: When the monster came into being P2: What the monster was like (description) and what I felt at the first sight. P3;P4: It didn’t turn out to meet my expectation but caused much trouble instead and he became a creature from my worst nightmares.Organization1. Who creates a monster? A. Franklin. B. Frankenstain. C. Frankenstein. 2. Part 2 tells us _____. A. Frankenstein regretted creating such an ugly monster B. Frankenstein’s creation is successful C. the monster can’t be given lifeChoose the correct answer. For detailed informationScanningFill in the form according to the textBy using bones from dead bodiesLarge, strong and extremely ugly, with wrinkled yellow skin, black hair and white teethCreate a wife for himIt is too frightening and ugly; he regrets for what he didFrankenstein dies in the chase of the monster and the monster disappears in the ice and snow.Fill in the blanksemotionsrefusesmurderschasesburnt outbreathedcontrasted horribly withthrew myself onmade a soundaga ... ...

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