

日期:2024-05-01 科目:历史 类型:高中课件 查看:60次 大小:2487808Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件29张PPT。Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal 富兰克林·罗斯福新政 Compare the economic plans of Henry Hoover and FDR Analyze the goals of FDR through his inauguration address Evaluate aspects of the new deal and address criticism of itObjectives比较亨利胡佛和罗斯福的经济计划 通过他的就职演说分析罗斯福的目标 评估新政的各个方面,并回应对新政的批评。Terms and PeopleFranklin D. Roosevelt – American President elected at the height of the Great Depression 富兰克林·D·罗斯福-在大萧条时期当选的美国总统 Eleanor Roosevelt – FDR’s wife and First Lady; known for her active role in the administration 埃莉诺·罗斯福是罗斯福的妻子和第一夫人, 她以在政府中的积极作用而闻名 New Deal – programs and legislation enacted by FDR during the Great Depression to promote economic recovery and social reform 新政-罗斯福在大萧条时期为促进经济复苏和社会改革而制定的新政和立法 fireside chat – informal radio broadcast in which FDR communicated with the American people 炉边谈话-无线电广播是罗斯福与美国人民进行沟通的非正式广播节目。 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – government agency that insures bank deposits 联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)-为银行存款提供担保的政府机构Terms and People (continued)Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – government agency that built dams in the Tennessee River valley to control floods and generate electric power 田纳西河谷管理局(TVA)-在田纳西河流域修建水坝以控制洪水和发电的政府机构 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – New Deal program that provided young men with jobs on environmental conservation projects 平民保护团(CCC)-新政计划,为年轻人提供环境保护项目的工作 National Recovery Administration (NRA) – New Deal?agency that promoted economic recovery by regulating?production, prices, and wages 国家复苏管理局(NRA)-新政机构,通过调节生产、价格和工资来促进经济复苏。 Public Works Administration (PWA) – government agency that improved the nation’s infrastructure and created millions of jobs 公共工程管理局(PWA)-改善国家基础设施和创造数百万就业机会的政府机构Guiding Question: What problems did Americans face during the great depression, and how did Roosevelt address these problems? 指导问题:美国在大萧条期间面临哪些问题,罗斯福是如何解决这些问题的?大萧条时期的失业Hoover’s Economic PlanLike most economists of the day, he believed that up and down swings in the economy were a natural part of the business cycle. It was thought that strong businesses would weather storms without the support of the government.Hoover later turned to Trickle Down Economics The idea was that if he gave businesses grants in tax money they would lend to, and invest in, struggling businesses who would hire workers and thus end the depression. This plan failed when businesses did not hire more workers.胡佛经济计划和当时的大多数经济学家一样,他认为经济上下波动是商业周期的自然组成部分。人们认为,没有政府的支持,强劲的企业会经受住风暴。胡佛后来转向“涓涓细流经济学”,他的想法是,如果他向企业提供税收补贴,他们将向陷入困境的企业提供贷款和投资,这些企业将雇佣工人,从而结束萧条。 ... ...

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