
2018—2019学年英语人教版选修8 同步教学(25份)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:63次 大小:122399258Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件61张PPT。Unit 1A land of diversity[文章导语]Boston,which is one of the nation’s wettest cities,is one of the oldest American cities with a rich economic and social history. 波士顿是美国最古老的城市之一,也是美国最潮湿的城市之一,有着丰富的经济和社会史。 Boston is one of the oldest American cities,with a rich economic and social history. During the 1980s,Boston gained fame for its high technology,as well as a good place to develop business.In recent years,many sources have ranked Boston among the best large cities in which to live in the US. Boston lies at the mouths of the Charles and Mystic Rivers.The Rivers flow into Boston’s inner harbor and then into Boston Harbor itself.Fog is caused by Boston’s closeness to water.Rain is frequent in spring and summer,while snow falls regularly in winter,making Boston one of the nation’s wettest cities.Atlantic Ocean breezes keep Boston’s climate relatively mild,compared to other cities in the northeastern US. The city experienced a booming period around the mid-1800s,helped by the invention of the railroad.Among the new industries was the making of shoes and other leather goods until recently a mainstay(支柱) of the Boston economy. Boston’s population remained largely Englishmen until the mid-1800s,when the first waves of European immigrants began to arrive.译文 波士顿是美国最古老的城市之一,有着丰富的经济和社会史。 在20世纪80年代,波士顿因其为高科技和发展商业的好地方而闻名。在近几年,很多信息资料将波士顿列为美国国内最好的适宜居住的大城市之一。 波士顿位于查尔斯河与神秘河的河口交汇处。这两条河流入波士顿的内港,然后进入波士顿港口。 雾是由波士顿靠近水引起的。在春夏季经常下雨,而在冬季则经常下雪,这使得波士顿成为美国最潮湿的城市之一。与美国东北部的其他城市相比,波士顿的气候在大西洋和风的作用下相对温和。 约在19世纪中期,借助铁路的发明,这座城市进入鼎盛时期。新兴工业有鞋子和其他皮革品的制造,直到最近这两项制造业也是波士顿经济的支柱。 在19世纪中期,波士顿的居民主要是英国人,这个时期第一批欧洲移民开始到达。典句欣赏 Rain is frequent in spring and summer,while snow falls regularly in winter,making Boston one of the nation’s wettest cities. 在春夏季经常下雨,而在冬季则经常下雪,这使得波士顿成为美国最潮湿的城市之一。理解诱思 1.During the mid-1800s,Boston experienced rapid development due to    .? A.the devotion of Englishmen B.the use of the railroad C.European immigrants D.the selling of shoes 答案:B 2.Would you like to visit Boston?Why? 答案:Yes,because I can experience a city with completely different cultures and traditions.Section Ⅰ — Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending一二三四五六一、词义匹配  A            B 1.distinct a.any vehicle that can fly and carry goods or passengers 2.illustrate b.the number,amount,rate of sth,expressed as if it is part of a total which is 100 3.percentage c.connected with a person’s race 4.aircraft d.easily or clearly heard,seen,felt,etc. 5.racial e.to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples,pictures,etc. 答案:1.d 2.e 3.b 4.a 5.c一二三四五六二、猜 ... ...

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