
Unit 2 Robots Warming up课件(48张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:82次 大小:4009259Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件48张PPT。Unit 2 RobotsWarming Up选修七Let’s enjoy some pictures.spiderdogclockmantis 螳螂What’s a robot? A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. How does a robot work?A robot is programmed and controlled by a computer.Do you know any story or novel or film whose hero (heroine) is a robot? If you do, can you say something about them?DiscussionWALL-E终结者(阿诺.施瓦辛格) T800终结者T1000“ I, ROBOT”变形金刚擎天柱机器战警MurpyDoraemon 机器猫(多啦A梦) 机器人历险记What do robots look like?They may take various shapes to serve different functions.BrainstormingWhat can a robot do?clean the tall building clean the plane talk with people lead the way entertain peopletalk with peopleIndustrial robots 工业机器人The robot can do rescue work in the snow. The robot can fight in the war.The robot can speak to people.The robot can carry out tasks in the sky.play musicplay football driving clean the planedo the labor work lead the way美国火星探测机器人汽车焊接机器人消防灭火机器人月球车在月球Nowadays robots can be made into all kinds of shapes for various uses.Fill in the chart with the correct form of the words of this unit.desirousdesiresatisfied/-ingsatisfactorysatisfydesirablealarmedembarrass-mentsmoothnessalarmsmoothfictionalembarrassedembarrassingaccompanysympathyelegancepilesympatheticpaintdeclarationexplaintalentlessexplanatorytalentedmarrieddivorcemarriageobedienceobedientFill in the blanks using the correct form of the new words.1) The story she told about her adventure was a _____. (虚构的事) 2) Tom _____ (陪伴) his mother to the supermarket. 3) I watched with _____ (羡慕)as he won the championship.fictionaccompaniedenvy4) Steven showed his _____ (才干) in the competition. 5) He likes to sleep with windows closed and _____ (窗帘) drawn. 6) The old couple have been through a lot together in their 50 years of m_____.talentscurtainsarriage7) Your hair is so long that you’d better have a h_____. 8) When her husband died, she received many letters of s_____. 9) What did he say in e_____ of his being late for school? 10) The team won series of v_____ with great efforts. xplanationictoriesympathyaircutIn groups of four to discuss the following topic: If your group has a chance to design a robot, what kind of robots would you like to create?Homework Thank You!

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