
Unit8 An outing 教案 (3课时)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:31次 大小:9820Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课 时 计 划 第 12 周 第 1节 课 题 Unit8 An outing (1) 教 学 目 的 Help students to master and use new phrases: map, hill, another, lake, at the top of Use ‘ What are you doing? I’m reading the map.’ 教材分析 重点 Help students to master and use new phrases: map, hill, another, lake, at the top of 难点 Get understanding of the special question of present progressive and the answer. 教具 Multimedia, word card, 教 学 过 程 教 学 过 程 Pre-task Preparation 1. Greet as usual Sing a song we have learnt in unit 6 ‘ London Bridge is falling down’. 2. Play a guessing: “ What am I doing now?” 3. Show some flash cards and do a quick response. While task procedures 1. Show some pictures of landscapes and teach those words T: Our friends are on an outing today. Do you like outings? What places do you like? (show a picture of hill) Do you like this place? This is a hill. H-I-L-L, hill. Ss: H-I-L-L, hill. 2. Show some flash cards and do a quick response. 3. show the pictures of treasure hunt in the part of “Listen and say”. 1) Where are they?( They are at Green Hill.) 2) How many children are on the treasure hunt? (Four) 3) What are they looking for? ( They are looking for a diamond.) ….. Then show the picture of “Look and learn” Post task activities Work in pairs. Learn about the P53,finish the exercises and role-play. 布 置 作 业 Copy the new words and phrases. 板 书 设 计 Unit 8 An outing map hill another lake at the top of What are you doing? I’m reading the map.’ 教 学 后 记 They like this dialogue, but can’t read it clearly ,we need do more exercise. 课 时 计 划 第12 周 第 2 节 课 题 Unit8 An outing (2) 教 学 目 的 1. The pupils can learn how to ask and answer the alternative questions. 2. Learn the story in part of “Read a story”. 3. Complete the exercise according to the story. 教材分析 重点 1.Sentence pattern: 2. Learn the story in part of “Read a story”. 难点 1.Understand the story of “Alice in Wonderland”. 2.The key word: hole, key, think, get through 教具 Stickers, Students’ books, flash cards, ppt 教 学 过 程 Step 1: Warm up 1.Greet students 2. Sing a song. The part of “Listen and Say” Step2: Presentation 1.Introduce the background of “Alice in Wonderland” 1) Where does Alice see a white rabbit? ( In the garden.) 2) What is the rabbit wearing? ( A coat.) 2. Students answer the question and learn the new words. T: How does Alice open the door? S1: She opens the door with a key. T: Yes. K-E-Y, key. …. 3. Follow the tape and then read the passage together. 4. Let students role the story and retell it. Then ,the pupils ask and answer, and help them know more about the story. 5.Read the text, and answer the questions, learn about it. 布置作业 1.Listen and read P54 for five times and try to recite the text ; 2. Finish the exercises 板书设计 Unit8 An outing Alice in Wonderland 教学后记 They like this story, but can’t read it clearly ,we need do more exercise. 课 时 计 划 第 12 周 第 3 节 课 题 Unit8 An outing (3) 教 学 目 的 C ... ...

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