

日期:2024-04-29 科目:数学 类型:小学试卷 查看:33次 大小:30720Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第一讲 整除 姓名 成绩 本期主要数学术语英语的表述: the least common multiple最小公倍数, the greatest common factor最大公因数, length长度,perimeter周长,product乘积,natural number自然数,be divided by被、、、、、、除 1. A=24, the least common multiple of A and B is 168, the greatest common factor of A and B is 4, B=? 甲数是24,甲、乙两数的最小公倍数是168,最大公因数是4,求乙数。 2. The greatest common factor of A and B is 6, the least common multiple of A and B is 36, the larger number isn’t the multiple of the smaller number, A=? B=? 已知甲、乙两数的最大公因数是6,最小公倍数是36,并且大数不是小数的倍数,求甲、乙两数各是多少? 3. After snowing, Da Liang and his father measure the perimeter of a parterre together. They start at the same point and the same direction. The length of Da Liang’s each step is 54cm, The length of Da Liang’s father’s each step is 72cm, their steps sometimes overlapping. After walking around the parterre once, the overlapping steps are 60. How long is the length of the parterre? 大雪后的一天,大亮和爸爸共同步测一个圆形花圃的周长,他俩的起点和走的方向完全相同,大亮每步长54厘米,爸爸平均步长72厘米,他们脚印有重合的时候,走了一圈,只留下了60个脚印,你知道圆形花坛的周长是多少厘米吗? 4. Make up the numbers 26、33、34、35、63、85、91and 143 into several groups. To make sure the greatest common factor of any two numbers is 1, how many groups should be made up at least? 把26、33、34、35、63、85、91和143分成若干组。要使每一组中任意两个数的最大公因数为1,那么至少要分成几组? 5. The greatest common factor of A and B is12, the least common multiple of A and B is 180, the larger number isn’t the multiple of the smaller number, A=? B=? 5. 两个数最大公因数是12,最小公倍数是180,且大数不是小数的倍数,求这两个数。 6. The length of a road is 96m, we plan to plant trees on both sides of the road. And we plan to plant trees every 4 m on the road. But we find that the distance is too close after we draw the signs. So we plant the trees every 6m on the road. How many signs needn’t to be marked? 6. 在一条长96米的路两侧,计划每隔4米栽一棵树,画好“记号”后发现距离过近,改为每隔6米栽一棵树,不要重新做的“记号”有多少个?(两段无需做“记号” ) 7. The length of a rope is 180cm, we mark it from the beginning every 3cm and every 4cm. And then we cut it at the points that there are no marks. How many sections can we cut? 7. 有一根180厘米长的绳子,从一端开始每隔3厘米做一个记号,每隔4厘米也做一个记号,然后沿有记号的地方剪断。绳子共被剪成了多少段? 8. A kindergarten borrows some books from a library. If the kindergarten borrows 35 books and the teacher divides the books equally to his children, there is 1 book lacked. If the kindergarten borrows 56 books and the teacher divides the books equally to his children, there are 2 books spared. If the kindergarten borrows 69 books and the teacher divides the books equally to his children, there are 3 books lacked. How many children at most are there in the class? 8. 某幼儿园借阅图书,如借35本,平均分给 ... ...

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