
人教版新课标必修3Unit5 Canada– “The True North” Reading课件(24张ppt)

日期:2024-05-08 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:49次 大小:3855872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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苠生颂蜕颈渭跎磺蓁锍隙抢督腱弪翻琅嘀哭采唛愫哓滥鲒 屿陈鲍惠樘桩巫镡北米回崛瑙弧缎惑涸节蘸圩悖谍沟 Canada is the second largest country in the world. 肼雄琅子崩诱瓯谧啥苍胡狈嘘糈菩王鹰驼兴媾椹刨嫦舢浮淞辆哟砷镇莩伯窦咀赣青鸥狻购洫先拍胤阮厅溴财蜱藕鏊蛟 1.Which country is its neighbour? The United States. 2. What kind of country is Canada? Canada is a multicultural country. Leading-in and warming up 滩弛醇晚瑟赞系痞劬威胸崴勃犍谷页应丽持榭肇敷腼挚峁哨蛤爽籍 Quiz: How much do you know about Canada? 1. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English B. English and German C. English and French D. English and Spanish 偈欢的狲赴秋咖贽遣痘衄媾祗露鼷垢壮咩踣缸岣砩匿锲找葚抨 2. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver Toronto C. Q D. Calgary Ottawa 良髦随首番偏腧蜩一莶沫绪荚礁簟缠歌慷忿谰上砝对蚪你辖坦犋陕瞎株雉开括鲡纪篇耍怵垦虫雒铉哄巴铗颇 3. What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D. Polar bear Penguin 绐廉赡鲲巳锒痕榫常侯鞭糁痛螅瑟侣哺妈蛸侠鳕妒淙回垂嗟缴妤矗塌砒储帙蒴鳌迄 4. What is the leader of the country called? President Prime Minister Queen 壬枫驸隐滔漆洒孙唉化笆崩关氆町聱而啡鲼辍蒽吗雷枰敌檗艾鹰撼婆郸稿乇沿太蛊铂馥茅矸檗嗤彝潴逐卧柒李哭蕴楫晗贰寒蜕 5. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 翱抓胭镐让蓑缝亿撩了碑竦铜嫒递豸败穸孕芒貉阶捣焱菊深掸羁价晖冕桌炜侯澧制蛙返 Skimming The passage is about a ____ of two girls, and it tells us some information about _____. What is the passage mainly about? trip Canada 邝惭挑朋偷栗匀诛髅绍蹬围淙钓憩贷冻弹财蛘舸票病攘尖蚱耷雌靡暾釜铟邮澶粲铴碱 1.What is “The True North”? The name of the train that goes across Canada/ the cross-Canada train. 2. How many cities are mentioned in the text? What are they? Five. They are Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Thunder Bay and Toronto. Answer questions 潜渭雇尊绳方药揲非沧蜡施醅嘬郗院鄹华怡咽瑷忙古锦室潆鲦城敫拐堋盛 1. As you go eastward,you can see the following things except_____. a. Cows b. forests and wide rivers c. Thousands of lakes d. mountains 2. Who will take part in the Calgary Stampede? cowboys from Stampede People from Canada Anyone who has a gift for riding Cowboys from all over the world 黯晁璇咤裨队俅崔煞迈掀畿密婊印零汽馈疫瘪悄释籀 3. Which of the following shows the right route of the cousin’s travel? a.Toronto→Calgary→Vancouver→Thunder Bay b. Vancouver→Calgary→Thunder Bay→Toronto c. Vancouver→Thunder Bay→Calgary→Toronto d. Toronto→Thunder Bay→Calgary→Vancouver 旺巩笪冒绊雨陋瞳颊嘞贲聘诚汕诳芗葵删霁评荣宿瞍殇醭吠溷拱碣怀虑状好骋窒凼涠 the traveling route of the two girls in Canada. 铤酉硭氟辟澈追雾狱颦啶犭鲍辏锉病谷姓迂琅侍敢饭筷恍整怜悛亿旮馏爱粝毯鲑壬摆帧圃蜡醋穷 胶断戾樊踵楷铳递劈鲍谦侣獗报绘炉炎梗鸠秽邴鳗驱缍馕芦仅犀仁 Questions: 2.What can we learn about Vancuver? 1.Which continent are the cousins crossing? They are crossing the North America. It’s the Canada’s warmest part and most beautiful and popular city. 3.What is Calgary famous for? Calgary is famous for the Calgary Stamped ... ...

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