
人教版高中英语必修五:Unit 3 Life in the future reading 课件(共49张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:15次 大小:18058070Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件49张PPT。take up constantly time lag flashback previous uncertain understanding tablet Transport sideway 拿起,从事,占据 不断地 时间落差 闪回,倒叙 先前的,早先的 不确定 了解的,理解的 药片 运输 向侧面 capsule stewardess opening swing sideways surroundings tolerate as though combination a lack of make the adjustment to 太空舱 空姐, 服务员 开口 摇摆 向侧面 周围 容忍 好像 组合,结合 缺乏 对sth做出调整 new surroundings a lack of fresh air be back on one’s feet sweep up as though in no time in all directions just at that moment catch sight of lose sight of sweep up 新环境 缺乏新鲜空气 完全恢复 横扫 好像 立刻,马上 四门八方 正在那时 看见 看不见 横扫 be made of provide …with.. flash a switch by magic on the timetable spread exhausted slide into soft lighting 由sth制成 提供 使开关闪一下 通过魔法 在时间表上 铺开,展开 疲惫不堪 溜进 柔光照明Unit 3 Life in the futureReading: The first impressionWarming upHave you watched these TV series ? My Love from the StarWonderful Time TravelStarting by Each StepWhat is their topic? If you have the ability to travel across time and space(穿越时空), where would you like to go? Past or future? Why? DiscussionWhat changes do you expect to see in your life in one thousand years’ time? Transport Education Houses Communication Environment …Transportationin the pastat presentin the future一 骑红尘妃子笑Finance and currencyin the pastNow in the future—distance educationEducatione-schoolsThe school of the futurehousing at presentin the pastvideophoneCommunicationAny disease can be cured in the future. People can live longer.Medical treatmentEnvironment:in the pastat presentin the futureWhat is changing better and better? What is changing from bad to worse? What problems are human beings facing today?starvationdesertificationair pollutionwater pollutionoverpopulationpoverty war violenceOther issuesFuture ToursDo you want to know what it will be like in AD3008?Join us! Let’s travel to the future with Li Qiang. Reading: First ImpressionsPredict the context of the passage.Pre-readingWhat ’s the main idea of the passage? It’s mainly about Li Qiang’s f_____ journeyfutureE-mailLi Qiang’s first impressionFasting ReadingListen to the text and match the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1(  )  A:We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule. Para.2(  )  B:My impressions of the life in the future. Para.3(  )  C:I arrived at Wang Ping’s home everything in his house is surprising. Para.4(  )  D:I won a travel to the year AD 3008.DABCbefore the journeyReason: Feeling: Problem: time lag green tabletsA prizenervousCarefully Readingunsettledcan not believeworrieduncertainsoPara. I--_____Para.2 --_____Through the _____①_____seatsa _____ drinkLay_____Swing gently sidewaysSmall opening1000 years later?comfortablecalmingrelaxed_____the journeycompletedoutside the capsuleInside the capsule:1. Why did his guide give him some tablets? Because he feel nervous and uncertain. 2. Who transported him to t ... ...

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