
人教版高中英语选修七Unit 5 Travelling abroad reading课件(27张ppt)+视频+教案+测试

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:98次 大小:79843611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Teaching objectives 教学目标      1.Language aims The students will be able to: (1)grasp the reading skills such as skimming, scanning and attentive reading (2)Learn the benefits and difficulties of studying abroad 2.Ability aims The students will be able to: (1)Discuss some problems in English and exchange their ideas. (2)Learn how to deal with the problems that they would face when studying in a foreign country. (3)Write a summary about their opinions on whether to study abroad or not by stating the benefits and difficulties 3.Emotional aims Students will be able to learn the ability of facing the difficulties,analyzing the reasons,overcoming and solving the problems by themselves. Students also study hard and love our motherland to make our motherland become prosperous and strong. Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点      Students will be able to summarize the benefits and difficulties of studying in a foreign country. Teaching methods教学方法      Task-based method;discussing; presenting Teaching aids教学工具      教材、多媒体课件、学案、黑板和粉笔 Teaching procedures教学过程      步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式 Pre-reading Step1 Lead in Ss enjoy a video and find out the problems the student had when he first arrived in the UK. 创设情境,引出主题,理解关键词汇 2’ IW Step2 T directs Ss’ attention from the boy studying the UK to our main character Xie Lei by concluding the difficulties the boy met with. Ss share their opinions and T makes a transition: The boy had difficulties adapting to the weather, the food or even the accent. Actually everyone studying abroad may experience both benefits and difficulties. As a Chinese, as long as you keep it up, I am sure you will fit in well whatever difficulties you are faced with. That is what Xie Lei is experiencing. Now let’s read Xie Lei’s story on page 38 and learn more about her life studying in the UK. First of all, let’s come to task 1, skimming for main idea. 利用图片和视频,创设语境,导入主题,激活学生已有的关于出国留学弊端的认知和经验 3’ IW GW While reading Step3 Task 1 Skimming for main idea Students read the passage quickly to make it clear where this article might have been published as well as the main idea of each paragraph by doing the matching. Where do you think this article might have been published? 2. Match : What’s the main idea of each paragraph? Para 1 her preparation year Para 2 coming to study in London Para 3 benefits of living with a host family Para 4 benefits of her preparation course and the tutor Para 5 the difficulty getting used to a new way of life Para 6 the reporter's best wishes Para 7 her new plan for social activities T directs Ss to focus on the topic sentences especially the first or last sentence. After the feedback, T continue to make the transition : After getting the main idea, let’s read the passage quickly again, this time you are supposed to read quickly in order to get some detailed information 略 ... ...

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