
重大版高中英语 必修1 Unit 3 Powerful Music扩展阅读 课件(共42张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:71次 大小:1022669Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件40张PPT。英语教学课件重庆大学版 高一 (1) Unit 3洪丽Further Reading学习目标导入自主学习合作探究课堂检测小结反思Period 5Do you know anything about country music or the Beatles? bandLearning aims Learn and master the Words for Production and Phrases in Further Reading . Use skimming and jump reading skills capture the paper mainly information, complete Ex. 1 and 2 P44. Train the Ss’ predicting ,skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text. know something about American “Country Music” and British “the Beatles”. desk mate activities through developing, group activity and strengthen students' sense of cooperation and teamwork spirit. Focal points: master the Words for Production and Phrases in Further Reading . Train the Ss’ predicting ,skimming and summarizing ability during reading . Difficult points: Enable the students to understand the text better . Improve the students’ predicting skimming and summarizing ability.Read the following statements and make your predictions. Write B for The Beatles and CM for Country Music. Prediction___ 1) They are No. 3 among the 100 top world celebrities according to Forbes’ lists. ___ 2) It is a major kind of American popular music. ___ 3) They voiced young men’s emotions and the philosophy of the time. ___ 4) They were influenced by Afro-American rhythm-and-blues as well as Indian music and religion.BCMBB___ 5) It has a simple style and it is relaxing to listen to. ___ 6) They never copied anyone, and they created their own rich and original music. ___ 7) It commonly reflects the lives of ordinary, working-class people and covers such subjects as love and relationships, loneliness, religion, and work.CMBCM阅读障碍清(1)(2)((4)(5)(6)(1)流行音乐(2)在20世纪20年代早期(3)be known as …以…知名;被认为是…(4)山里人,乡下人(5) v. 获得(6) n. 接受v. acceptadj. acceptable3)(7)(8))(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(7) 从音乐的角度来说(8) n.体裁;风格(9) n.方面(10) be based on… 以……为基础(12) rather than 不是……而是(11) adj.抒情的(13) n.内容(14) n.协调(15) n.美的曲调(16) n.节奏⑼(17) (18) (19) (20)(21)(22)(24)(25)(26)(23)(27)(17)通常反映(18)adj.普通的;平凡的 (19) n.孤单;寂寞(20) n.宗教;信仰(21) adj.诗意的 poet n.诗人, poem 诗歌(22) tend to do 倾向于…(23) v.反映;n.镜子(24) n. /v.关心;挂念(25) n.成绩;成就(26) n.生活方式(27) adj.文化的(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(28) n.运动;活动(29) n.传统(30) v.代表;表示(31)首先(32) 与…有关(33) n .忧愁;遗憾(34) sing of 歌唱(35) n.不公平(36) n.不平等(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(37)在…的影响下(38)相信;信仰(39) n.才能;才干(40)v.创造;创作(41)n.乐队(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(42)v.用言语表 达(情感)(43)n.情感(44)n.人生观,哲学(45)n.乐观主义optimistic adj.乐观的;有信心的(46)celebrity n. 名人Scan for the specific information 1. This basic aspect comes from the fact that it is based mainly on lyrical content rather than musical content. 它基本上是注重歌词的内容而不是音乐的内容。Important & difficult points (1) be based on… 意为“以……为基础, 建立在……基础上”e.g. ... ...

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