
重庆大学版高中英语Book 6 unit2 Troublesome Travelers阅读 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:42次 大小:7346392Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。 We can do no great things, only_____.small things with great loveComplete the sentence. Use your imagination!Table of ContentsLook at the following picture and read the short passage beside it.This is a picture of a dimly-lighted ward. An elderly man is lying in bed. A marine is sitting at the bedside. He is holding the old man’s weak hand tightly.Can you guess the meaning of each underlined word?dimly ward elderly marine bedside tightly not very brightly or clearlythe area beside a beda room in a hospital for patients requiring similar kinds of careused as a polite word for “old”closely and firmlya soldier who is trained to serve on land or at seaCheck your understanding!Can you guess their relationship?father and son?Read the following dialogue between the marine and the nurse.What does the dialogue imply?Now fill in the following blanks.When:_____ Where:_____Characters:_____Your story:_____Predict what the story is about based on the above information.Share with your partner! Read the following story quickly to see if you have the correct prediction.To what degree is your prediction right?What’s the difference between your prediction and the story? The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner. An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and was rushed to a hospital. There, when he came to now and again, the man repeatedly called for his son.in or towards the centre of a city, where the main business areWhere is the downtown of your city?to fall down suddenlyto move or to do sth with great speedWhat does rush hour mean?Guess the meaning of call for from the context. From a worn letter found in his pocket, an emergency-room nurse learned that his son was a marine stationed in North Carolina. It seemed there were no other relatives. Soon a request for the boy to rush to Brooklyn was sent through the Red Cross. The young marine was rushed to the airport in time to catch the one plane that might enable him to reach his dying father.Worn is the past participle of wear. Here it’s a/an _____.adjectiveen+able e.g. an old pair of worn jeans Can you give other examples which have “en-” as the prefix? e.g. enrich enlarge It was evening when the young marine walked into the entrance lobby of the hospital. A nurse took the tired, anxious marine to the bedside. “Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient’s eyes opened. The medicine he had been given because of the pain from his heart attack made his eyes weak and he only dimly saw the young man in marine uniform standing there. He reached out his hand. The marine wrapped his strong fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement. The nurse brought a chair, so the marine could sit by the bed.Can you find the antonym of limp in this sentence?to press sth firmly, especially with fingers squeezee.g. to squeeze a tube of toothpaste He squeezed her hand and smiled at her ... ...

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