
河南省八市重点高中联盟“领军考试”2019届高三第四次测评试题 英语(无听力试题,含解析)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:50次 大小:369083Byte 来源:二一课件通
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绝密★启用前 2018———2019学年度下期八市重点高中联盟 “领军考试”高三英语试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A In recent years, increasing numbers of extra-wide parking spaces have been specially designed for female drivers in some cities. Some like the idea, but others call it discriminatory, saying it implies women are worse drivers than men. So are parking spaces for women considerate or discriminatory? Forum readers share their opinions. Leonard Wong (Singapore) I think there is no necessity for such a special treatment. If they are truly poorer drivers, they have to brush up on their driving skills instead. When obtaining a license, they should have stricter tests or more practice sessions. If you do this, when some of them go overseas,they might get into trouble due to the smaller lots there. Robert (US) In the US some stores have special parking spaces,larger than normal and close to the store,for pregnant women. Maybe this is the intention. Besides, how many men go to shopping malls on their own regularly? There are always much larger than normal parking spaces in the US for the handicapped. Most are usually empty. Does this mean the handicapped are being labeled as “less than”? Ivanapge (Singapore) It is not practicable. There are places where parking lot space is limited and if you reserve some lots for just lady drivers, the lot would go to waste if there are no lady drivers going to park. If she is considered a capable driver who can manage on her own,why need special treatment? There are also man drivers who are as bad when it comes to driving or parking skills. Should they be given special treatment as well? Just improve your skills. Cdogg (Canada) It’s a good idea if it keeps the parking lot flowing and free of minor accidents, where no one moves out of the way for other drivers to pass. It is a bad idea if these spots are not used and creates overcrowding where people just sit, waiting for space around the lot. Time will tell. 21. Who share the similar idea in the passage? A.Leonard Wong and Robert B. Leonard Wong and Ivanapge C.Leonard Wong and Cdogg D. Robert and Ivanapge 22. According to Robert, which of the following can be inferred? A.All the stores have special parking spaces. B. The parking spaces are much smaller there. C. Few men go to shopping malls alone regularly. D. The disabled are treated as “less than”. 23.What is the main focus of the passage? A. Are female drivers good at parking? B. Are women good at driving cars? C. Are parking spaces for women discriminatory? D. Do female drivers deserve more parking spaces? B Bin is a 5-year-old Vietnamese boy who spoke his very first words in English despite never having come into contact with the language. Today, Bin speaks and reads perfectly in English, but has to learn Vietnamese so he can communicate with his mother. Born in Dong Van village, in Vietna ... ...

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