
人教高中英语必修4Unit1 Women of achievement Reading and writing 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-05-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:2011011Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。Unit1 in Book4Reading and writingWomen of achievement 创妇产事业,拓道、奠基、宏 图、奋斗、奉献九窍丹心,春蚕 丝吐尽,静悄悄长眠去; 谋母儿健康,救死、扶伤、党 业、民生、笑染千万白发,蜡炬 泪成灰,光熠熠照人间An elegiac couplet(挽联)Leading-inApproaching Lin QiaoZhiLearning aims1.To skim the passage to summarize characteristics of Lin Qiaozhi. 2.To write a short passage to introduce Lin Qiaozhi 3. To learn from Lin Qiaozhi.READINGFast readingName: Lin Qiaozhi Date of Birth: 1901 Birth place: Graduate from: Occupation(职业): General informationGuLangyu,Xiamen city,Fujian ProvinceBeking Union?Medical College HospitalA doctor for women’s diseasesShe got a _____ _____ for her career. She became a _____ in _____ _____ She had made sure that about _____ _____were safely delivered. Fast readingMain achievements medical trainingspecialist women’s diseases50,000 babiesCareful readingLin Qiaozhi had a nice family with two children. ( F ) It was her kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients that made her succeed. ( T ) The writer wanted to follow Lin’s example and to study at medical school. ( T )True of FalseCareful readingHow did the writer find the article about Lin Qiaozhi? Why was it difficult for Lin Qiaozhi to get medical training? (by chance, come across) (generation, be placed second to)Careful readingFor whom and for what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book about how to look after babies? ( be intended for… to cut the death rate)Summary hard-working energetic determined fair generous helpful unselfish devoted warm-hearted considerate responsible kind active WRITINGWriting steps BODCBrainstorm (头脑风暴) Outline(构思提纲) Drafting(精写草稿) Copying. (认真誊写) The First Paragraph: General information The Second Paragraph: Characteristics; Sentences to support them. …… The Last Paragraph: Others’ views or opinions Passage Structure 某英语杂志评选“影响世界的十大中国女性”。 你想推荐林巧稚大夫。请根据课文中学到的和课 外了解到的素材,写一篇短文介绍她。 1)她是中国20世纪早期的一位妇科专家。 2)她在长达五十多年的从医生涯中取得了卓越的成就。 3)她受到所有人的爱戴。被人们尊称为“万婴之母” Writing task ASSESSMENT(评估)APPRECIATING (欣赏)SummaryWhat have you learnt in this class?“救活一个产妇、孕妇,就是救活了两个人” “我愿意做一辈子值班医生” “我林巧稚对妇女、儿童充满了爱,生平最爱听的声音,就是婴儿出生后的第一声啼哭,那是一首绝妙的生命进行曲,胜过人间一切最悦耳的音乐” “我们不仅要解除病人身体的痛苦,更要解除他们心灵上的痛苦”Words from Lin QiaoZhi Assignment 1.Write another passage about another great women you admire 2.Watch the video “Master” “Lin Qiaozhi” on the Internet.THANKS A LOTGoodbye ... ...

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