

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:80次 大小:2113793Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件9张PPT。研究发现爱吃巧克力脑子更好Italian scientists have found evidence that a daily dose(剂量) of cocoa acts as a dietary(饮食的) supplement to counteract(抵消) different types of cognitive decline(认知减退).意大利科学家发现证据表明,每天摄入一定量的可可,作为一种膳食补充剂,能对抗不同类型的认知衰退。supplement ['s?pl?m(?)nt] n. 增补(物);补品supplement to对……的补充Back in 2017, the team found that regularly eating cocoa was linked to improvements in working memory and visual information processing and cocoa could be particularly beneficial for certain people.早在2017年,研究小组就发现,定期吃可可与改善工作记忆和视觉信息处理有关,而且对特定人群尤为有效。Cocoa, is the dried and fermented(发酵的) bean from the cocoa tree used to make delicious chocolate treats. Cocoa has been studied extensively because, well, who wouldn’t want that job.可可,是从可可树上提取的烘干和发酵后的可可豆,用于制作美味的巧克力点心。大家研究可可已经研究得很透了,试问谁会不想研究它呢?extensively [?k'stens?vl?] adv. 广泛;普遍Over the years, it has been found that a range of naturally occurring chemicals in the cocoa bean have therapeutic effects.这些年来,人们发现可可豆中的一系列天然化学物质具有治疗作用。therapeutic [?θer?'pju?t?k] adj. 治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的 therapeutic effects 疗效For example, polyphenols(多酚类) in dark chocolate were found to increase calmness and contentedness(怡然知足) and flavanols(黄烷醇) were able to reverse age-related memory decline.例如,人们发现黑巧克力中的多酚可以促进镇静和满足感,黄烷醇能够逆转年龄导致的记忆衰退。reverse [r?'v??s] v. 颠倒;撤销;反转They noticed enhancements in working memory performance and improved visual information processing after consuming cocoa flavanols. The benefits varied depending on the demographic(人口) being tested.他们注意到,食用可可黄烷醇后,工作记忆的表现有所改善,视觉信息处理也有所改善。效果因受测人口而异。enhancement [?n'hɑ?nsm(?)nt] n. 增强;精进;提高For the elderly, it turns out that long term ingestion(摄取) of cocoa flavanols improved attention, mental processing, working memory and verbal fluency and was most beneficial in those who had mild cognitive impairments(认知障碍) or the beginnings of memory loss.对老年人来说,长期摄入可可黄烷醇可以提高注意力、心理处理能力、工作记忆和语言流利度,对那些有轻度认知障碍或开始失忆的人最有好处。mild [ma?ld] adj. 轻微的课件8张PPT。北京地铁内逃票、进食、霸座等行为将被禁止北京市15日发布《北京市轨道交通乘客守则》和《关于对轨道交通不文明乘车行为记录个人信用不良信息的实施意见》,即日起实施。守则明确,在地铁内进食、霸座等行为将被禁止。According to the regulations, passengers except for infants and those with medical conditions will not be allowed to eat or drink on the subway.守则规定,除婴儿、病人外,乘客不得在列车车厢内进食。regulation [?reɡj?'le??(?)n] n. 管理;规则infant ['?nf(?)nt] n. 婴儿;幼儿;未成年人根据上述文件,在地铁车厢内进食属不文明乘车行为,如劝阻制止不听,地铁运营单位有权拒绝提供乘车服务(violators who refuse to stop such behavior des ... ...

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