
人教版(PEP)四年级下Recycle 1 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:8493719Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。分三组Weather组, School 组和Time组每答对一题,往上升一步。五步得一张时装秀的门票!尽力争取更多地门票吧!Competition唱的同时,思考歌里的天气是什么样的?Let's sing What’s the weather like in the song? We should learn about the weather before you go out.出门前记得了解天气哟!其他有关天气 的单词, 你知道吗?Searchlight聚光灯快速读出单词功能室课程类文具类设施类 Brain-storming 头脑风暴Game Time老狼,老狼,几点了?游戏规则: 同学们一起问:Wolf, wolf, what time is it? 老狼如果回答:It’s twelve o’clock.同学们就立刻坐下,否则淘汰。如果回答的是其他时间,必须站着不动,有坐下的倾向的同学也淘汰!Do you want to see a fashion show? 你们想去看服装秀吗?(3). Can they see the show?他们能看到这场秀吗?(1).What time is the show? (2). Where is the show?( )( )( )( )( )51324I can say 两人一组合作练习对话。 1.每幅图请两人一组配音对话 2. 请几组同学上台表演对话 No books. 记得模仿语调,加上动作哟!Showtime 展示We have a show in the library today.What time?At 4 o’clock.What time is it now?It’s 3:40. Time to go.It’s cold outside.Yes, it’s windy,too. Do you have a jacket?Yes, I do.OK, let’s go.Oh, no! Rain! Where’s the library?It’s on the first floor.改编小能手Goodbye

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