
小学英语外研版(三年级起点)三年级上册 Review Module-Unit 1 课件(29张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:8720435Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Review Module Unit 1 外研版 三起 英语 三年级 上册 Learning goals Words:red , yellow ,blue ,chair ,desk ,cat ,twelve ,eleven… Sentences:It’s a …. This is her/his…. 1.Pass the hurdles to find the treasure box.(通过四个关卡,找到宝箱。 ) 2.The treasure will belong to the winner.(宝箱中的奖励属于胜利者) Guide 谁不见了? Say out the words as quickly as possible. 以最快的速度正确读出你所看到的单词,便可以消灭掉所有词卡。 完成以下任务可以顺利进入第二关 第一关 Play a game : Who’s missing blackboard bird cap dog yellow door red cat green twelve eleven desk panda chair blue black window green Play a game:Who’s missing Mission complete. 1.Game (I say you point.我来说你来指) 2.Sing a song. Sing and do the actions. 完成以下任务可以顺利进入第三关 第二关 Listen and do the actions. Sing and do the actions. 点击,播放视频 如打不开该视频,请单独使用PotPlayer播放 Mission complete. 1.Say a sentence with “It’s …”. 运用句型It’s a …来描述你所看到的物体以及颜色。 2.Work in pairs. E.g. A:What’s this B: It’s a …. 完成以下任务可以顺利进入第四关 第三关 — What’s this — It’s a … — What’s this — It’s a … — What’s this — It’s a … — What’s this — It’s a … Work in pairs. What’s this It’s … Mission complete. 完成以下任务可以顺利得到奖励 第四关 1.Count.数一数 2.Match .连线 3.Count and say. Count. Look and match. nine ten eleven twelve 10 11 12 9 Count and say. and is twelve. Can you count Count and say. and is twelve. Can you count and is twelve. Can you count Count and say. and is twelve. Can you count Count and say. and is twelve. Can you count Count and say. and is twelve. Can you count Count and say. Mission complete. All of you can have a sticker. Try to describe this picture to your parents, and then send the record to WeChat of our class

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