
人教版高中英语选修六辅导讲义 Unit1 Art词汇篇及语法篇(教师版+学生版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:84次 大小:3273877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit1 Art-词汇篇 _____ _____ 掌握重点词汇的搭配及用法,能够正确完成基础类型题。 掌握重点句型的用法,会模仿句型进行写作。 单词讲解: Abstract 1)Adj.深奥的,抽象的 Astronomy is an abstract subject. 天文学是一门深奥的学科。 The word “honesty” is an abstract noun. Beauty is abstract but a house is not .美是抽象的,房子是具体的。 2)V. “提炼” “抽取” The workers are abstracting metal from ore.工人们正在由矿砂提炼金属。 Rubber is abstractedfrom trees.橡胶是从树木提取的。 Salt can be abstracted from sea water.盐是从海水中提取出来的。 “转移(注意)等 distract one’s attention from sth从……上转移开某人的注意力 Nothing can distract his attention from his work. “概括,写摘要” He is abstracting a story for a book review.他在为一篇书评撰写故事摘要。 3)n. an abstract of a lecture一个演讲的摘要 would rather do sth情愿做…. would rather sb did sth情愿sb做… 情愿做….而不愿意做…: would rather do sth than do sth = would do sth rather than do sth = prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing sth to doing sth I would rather stay at home today. 我今天宁愿待在家里。 I would rather you came here tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来。 I would rather you hadn’t told me about it yesterday.我宁愿你昨天没有告诉我关于它。 我宁愿跟你走而不愿意待在这里: I would rather go with you than stay here. I would go with you rather than stay here. I prefer to go with you rather than stay here. I prefer going with you to staying here. faith n. 信任,信仰 break one's faith with sb. 对某人不守信用 keep faith with 忠于信仰; 守信 I kept faith with him.我信守了对他的诺言。 He who loses faith, loses all.失去信心的人, 失去所有。 faithful adj. 忠诚的,可靠的 have faith in 相信, 信任 in good faith 老实地;诚恳地 consequently adv. 所以,因此 Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently, he knows very little about it. 福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。 consequent adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的 as a consequence/result = in consequence = so She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it). 她被判有罪,因而失去了工作 consequence n. 结果 as a consequence/result of = because of aim 1)n. (C) 目标 without aim 无目的的/ 无目标的 achieve one’s aim miss one’s aim 打不中目标 (U) 对准, 瞄准 take aim at The hunter took aim at the lion sb/ sth’s aim is to do ……的目标是…. What is your aim in life? 你生活的目的是什么? The governor’s aim is to increase citizens’ income. 2)v. (以枪等) 对准,瞄准 aim at take aim at the target= aim at the target 瞄准靶子 The factory must aim at increasing its quality .他用枪瞄准老虎并开火,但没打中 He aimed his gun at the tiger, fired but missed it. aimless a. 无目标的,无目的的 She led an aimless life. 打算,计划, 以……为目标, 立志做…… aim at doing = aim to do 瞄准, 力求做到,力争达到 Harry aims at becoming a doctor. or: Harry aims to become a doctor. conventional adj.(traditional)常规的,通常的,传统的;受俗套束缚的,按习惯办事的,陈旧的,形式上的 conventional weapons 常规武器 a conventional design 传统图案 conventional opinions 旧观念 The chair ... ...

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