

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:38次 大小:1232896Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 教科版EEC四年级下册Unit1-Unit2知识梳理及练习 练习 1、 单词归类。 spring, warm, eat dumplings, New Year’s Day, summer, hot, look at the lanterns, Spring Festival, autumn, winter, cool, cold, beautiful, make Christmas card, have a party, Dragon Boat Festival, wonderful, delicious, put up a Christmas tree, look at the full moon, Christmas , Mid-Autumn Festival, make rice dumplings, eat mooncakes 季节:_____ 活动:_____ 节日:_____ _____ 形容词 _____ _____ 2、 用适当的介词填空。 ① We eat mooncakes_____the Mid-Autumn Festival. ② We look _____the lanterns _____the Spring Festival. ③ We eat rice dumplings_____the Dragoon Boat Festival. ④ They have a party_____New Year’s Day. ⑤ What do you do _____Christmas. ⑥ I eat cake_____my birthday. 3、 用动词的适当形式填空。 1. Which season_____(do) you like? 2. Which season_____(do) he like? 3. _____(do)Robo like summer? No, he_____(do). 4. He_____(do) like water. 5. I-_____(do) like winter. 6. _____(do) Lili like spring? Yes, she_____(do). 7. She_____(like) swimming. 4、 用合适的be动词填空。 1. _____it your birthday? 2. It_____the Spring Festival. 3. They_____dumplings. 4. It_____a lantern. 5. What_____these? 6. It_____warm. 7. It_____cool! 8. He_____in the water. 9. They_____Christmas cards. 五、单项选择。 ( )1. What do you do _____the Spring Festival? A. on B. in C. at ( )2. Which season _____they like? A. do B. does C. doing ( )3. We put up a Christmas tree ____Christmas. A. in B. at C. on ( )4. He _____winter. A. likes B. like C. does ( )5. _____she like autumn? No, she doesn’t. A. Do B. Does C.does 6、 7、 重点句连词成句。 1. like Day. Year's New It's _____ 2. do do Mid-Autumn the you What Festival ?at _____ 3. look At at night the lanterns. we _____ 4. the at full look at We moon night. _____ 5. tree. put We up Christmas a _____ 6. you like? Which do season _____ 7. Does Jess winter? like _____ 8. But snow winter. in have we _____ 9. He water. like doesn't _____ 参考答案 1、 单词归类。 spring, warm, eat dumplings, New Year’s Day, summer, hot, look at the lanterns, Spring Festival, autumn, winter, cool, cold, beautiful, make Christmas card, have a party, Dragon Boat Festival, wonderful, delicious, put up a Christmas tree, look at the full moon, Christmas , Mid-Autumn Festival, make rice dumplings, eat mooncakes 季节:spring/summer/ autumn/ winter 活动:eat dumplings/look at the lanterns/ make Christmas card/ have a party/ put up a Christmas tree/ look at the full moon/ make rice dumplings/ eat mooncakes 节日:New Year’s Day/ Spring Festival/ Dragon Boat Festival/ Mid-Autumn Festival 形容词:warm /hot/ cool/ cold/ beautiful/ wonderful/ delicious 2、 用适当的介词填空。 ① We eat mooncakes ____at_____ the Mid-Autumn Festival. ② We look __at___the lanterns __at___the Spring Festival. ③ We eat rice dumplings___at__the Dragoon Boat Festival. ④ They have a party_____on_____New Year’s Day. ⑤ What do you do _____at_____Christmas. ⑥ I eat cake_____on_____my birthday. 3、 ... ...

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