
Unit 1 Friendship Period 1 warm up 课件+教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:33次 大小:4024893Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    新课标英语高一年级课时教学设计 黑龙江哈尔滨 邱尚瑛 课题 Friendship - warm up 单元 Unit 1 学科 英语 年级 高一 学习 目标 Knowledge objectives: Master the relevant words and phrases, learn to describe friends and talk about friends and friendships. Learn to use the words and phrases correctly. Skill objectives: Master and grasp these relevant vocabulary and phrases, can use them to describe friends and talk about friendship briefly and correctly. Learn to imitate the sentences and use appropriate conjunctions to organize paragraphs to form a passage. Emotional objectives: Knowing that friendship is the most precious treasures in our life. Learning to get along with teachers, classmates and friends. 重点 Learn to use the words and phrases we learned in this unit to communicate correctly, can describe your friends in English freely. 难点 Can talk about the topic of friends and friendship correctly, and can express the views correctly. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Group activity Answer these questions 1. Do you have some friends? 2. Do you often go to see a film / go shopping with your friend? 3. Do you often go to museum / galleries with your friend? Sample answers: Do you have some friends? Yes, I have. I have many friends. Yes, I have. I have many friends who are my classmates in my junior middle school. Yes, I have. I have some friends who are my neighbors. Do you often go to see a film / go shopping with your friend? Yes, I do. I often go to see a film with one of my friend. Yes, I do. I often go shopping with my friends. Yes, I do. I often go to art exhibitions with my friends. Do you often go to museum / galleries with your friend? Yes, I do. I often go to museum with my friends. Yes, I do. I often go to galleries with my friends. Yes, I do. I often go to galleries to watch exhibitions with my friends. Review the key words and expressions 1. friendly a. 友好的;亲密的;有帮助的 2. friendship n. 友情;友谊;友善;好意 3. museum n. 博物馆 4. gallery n. 画廊;走廊;(教堂/议院等)边座 5. previous a. 以前的;先前的;过早的; ad. 在先;在……以前 根据教师设置的问题进行小组活动,试着用英语说一说与朋友在一起的一次经历,比如:观看电影、去商场购物、参观博物馆、看画等等。 每个问题可以多方面回答。教师可对每一个问题给出2-3个参考答案。 通过图片导入新课。提出与朋友相关的问题引起学生的学习兴趣与共鸣,使其轻松愉悦地参与到课堂活动中。通过小组活动,使英语基础相对较好的学生能带动基础差一点的学生说英语。 讲授新课 Learn the key words and expressions 1. spare time n. 业余时间;消遣/空闲时间 In her spare time she does voluntary work. 她在业余时间做义工。 I'll call on you in my spare time. 我有空会去找你。 In her spare time she does voluntary work 她在业余时间做义工。 wonderful a. 美妙的;极好的;精彩的; 绝妙的;迷人的 We had a wonderful time last night. 我们昨晚过得非常愉快。 3. graceful a. 优美的;优雅的;美好的; 得体的;飘逸的 He was charming, cheerful, and graceful under pressure. 他在重压之下依然开朗迷人,风度优雅。 4. exciting a. 使人兴 ... ...

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