
Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading for Writing 课件+教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:9476791Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 教学教案Reading for Writing 学科 英语 年级 高一 版本及章节 人教版高中英语 第一册 学习领域 Unit 1 Teenage Life 授课教师 教学学案 单元学习主题 Reading for Writing———A letter of advice 自查和互查评价表 Teaching procedure Step 1: Pre-learning (7’ )(固化探索类活动) Teacher’s activities 1(lead in) T introduces the topic by presenting a series of sentences of different patterns for the students. Students’ activities 1 Ss read them on the screen and make guesses of the expressions about the pictures. Intentions These activities aim at introducing the topic of the class, arousing Ss’ interest in class and helping Ss get to know some basic information from the expressions of different sentence patterns. 活动意图说明:根据高一学生的真实情况设置真实情景,从而导入本课话题,激活学生相关话题知识。该环节问题贴近学生能力,学生可根据图片实际情况选择问题来回答,这样更具体化和个性化,因此学生在该环节应该是头脑风暴,拓展词汇上没有很大问题。 Step 2 While Reading --Fast Reading (3’ ) Teacher’s activities 2 T raises the following questions, directing Ss to read the first paragraph of the passage and answer the questions. What do you think of Chen Lei? Can you tell us the reasons? What is the passage mainly about?(What is Worried Friend’s problem?) Students’ activities 2 Ss read the whole passage and answer the questions put forward by T. Intentions This activity aims to help Ss have a clear understanding of the problems of the Worried Friend. 活动意图说明: 通过快速阅读文章,选择恰当的内容来帮助学生把握文章主旨,找出“忧心忡忡的朋友”的问题。该环节设计的主要意图是帮助学生理清文章主旨和脉络结构,加强对语篇的整体理解。 Step 3: While Reading --Detailed Reading (15’) Teacher’s activities 3 T asks the students to read the passage carefully and complete the mind map on their hand-out with the key information taken from the passage. T invites a volunteer to finish drawing his map on the blackboard. T asks students to compare their map with that on the blackboard and then draw their own map in different colors if they have different opinions. Based on the mind map, T makes comments and instructions on some points if necessary to help students get a better understanding of the passage. Students’ activities 3 Students read the passage and complete the mind map on their hand-out. One of the students draw the pictures on the blackboard while the others add information on the blackboard. Students polish their mind maps with the instruction of the teacher to form a better understanding of the passage. Intentions This activity aims to help students get to know the letter of advice and develop Ss’ ability to summarize the story, grasp the details of it and even infer the author’s purpose appropriately. 活动意图说明: 通过本环节的思考和讨论,学生加深对问题与建议的认识;通过阅读表达的细节内容,使学生明确其所代表的人文精神和文化价值,并意识到遇到问题后向朋友寻求帮助和建议的必要性和迫切性。 Step 4 Reading for writing (15’)(应用实践类活动) Teacher’s activities 4 Guide ... ...

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