Lesson 18 Fun with numbers 教案 一、 教学目标 知识目标:能熟练掌握十九个数字的英文表达。 能力目标:能将十九个数字运用在日常学习、生活中。 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、 教学重难点 数字的表达及运用 三、 教学准备 多媒体课件、卡片、书包 四、 教学过程 教学意图 设计意图 Ⅰ Class opening and Review: Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you? I’m happy. How do you feel? Let’s have a chant: Stand up, sit down and show us one. Ⅱ Teaching Procedure: Step1: This class, we’ll review the numbers. Can you count one to sixteen? OK! Let’s count them together! We have four groups. Let’s count the numbers one by one. Step 2: Simon says and Do. Listen carefully, Simon says “one two one”(while stamp the feet), you should say and do it. Understand? Let’s do it! Count one to ten is easy. Can you count ten to one? Let’s count them together. Step 3: Are you happy? If you are happy, clap your hands! Now, Let’s play a game. I say one, you clap one. Are you clear?Later, I will clap my hands; you should tell me the number. At last, choose one student to be a teacher , the other students say the number. Step 4: It’s very funny, right? Let’s do some exercises. Look at the screen, can you do it? Like this: one + two= ? Step 5: You are so clever! I have some numbers, can you read them? Like this: 110,120,119 Step 6:Guess game: First game is “ What am I ?” The students guess the number. The second game is “What’s in it?” Teacher shows one bag, the students guess the things. Step 7: Free talk: Please talk about your bag with your partner. Then, choose some students to show it. Step 8: I think you are tired, let’s sing a song: “Ten Little Indian Boys.” We can sing and do. Ⅲ Class Closing: We have a good time today! Are you happy? But class is over, see you next time! 用愉快的歌谣开始课堂,使学生们的心情放松。 集体数数,共同复习数字。 小组再来数数,加深印象。 用游戏的方式来复习数字,使学生们感觉到英语在生活中的运用。 拍手游戏,更能引起学生更多的兴趣。 将数字运用在数学中,使学生感到英语无处不在。 加入数字的练习,更加使学生意识到生活处处有英语的身影。 猜猜看的游戏,使学生在一种轻松的氛围中,放松心情,接着用猜书包里的物品的这一环节,将知识充分运用在生活中,并用生生交流的方式来充分进行练习。 用一首歌曲来结束课堂,并让学生伴随歌声一起动起来,让学生开开心心的结束这堂课。
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