
重庆市巴蜀中学2020届高三高考适应性月考(二)英语试题 扫描版含答案(无听力音频及听力录音原文)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:56次 大小:7427236Byte 来源:二一课件通
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巴蜀中学2020届高考适应性月考卷(二) 英语参考答案 阅读 DBA? ABDC? ACAB ?DBDC 七选五 CABDG 完型 ACBDA? CABDC? DACDA? CBADC 语法部分 ? for? to show ?rescued is ? but where her?? frequency the enabled 改错部分 my--your had?already--have?already are--is? go--going high--highly in--to However--Moreover dream--dreams 去掉be 作文范文 Distinguished guests: Welcome to the Sino-British Cultural Exchange. I am Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School. First of all, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who have come from afar. Confucianism plays an important role in Chinese traditional culture. It was founded by Confucius to maintain the rule of propriety, advocate the rule of virtue and attach importance to the rule of man. Confucianism had a great influence on the feudal society, and was long regarded as the orthodox thought by the feudal rulers. Confucianism has exerted far-reaching influence on China, East Asia and even the whole world. Today it still shines brightly in Chinese traditional culture. Finally, I wish you all a pleasant trip to China. Yours Lihua

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