
北师大版高中英语模块6 Unit 17 Laughter 话题语言应用——大笑宜人

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:50次 大小:52029Byte 来源:二一课件通
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话题语言应用———大笑宜人 语言积累 交际用语 Telling jokes 讲笑话 Have you heard...? 你听说过……? Then what? 然后呢?之后(发生了)什么? Guess what? 你猜怎么着? Luckily, ... 幸运的是,…… I just can’t believe it. 我只是不能相信。 Reacting Mmm. 噢。(表示同意) Really? 真的吗? Were you/ Did you/ Have you? 是吗? How awful!多糟糕呀!/ 多可怕呀! That’s right. 对。 Yeah. 哦,是吗?(表示你在听着) Asking questions 提问 询问是否知道: Do you know...? Could you please tell me if/ whether...? Please tell me if/ whether...? Would you mind telling me if/ whether...? 询问姓名: Who is...? What’s his/ her name? Please tell me his/ her name. Can you name...? 你能说出/告诉我……的名字吗? 询问时间/地点: When/ Where did...? Please tell me when/ where...? 答案有几部分时: Please list(列出)... 回答时提到问题: In regard to your question about the cost, the tickets for the film are 35 yuan each. Regarding your question about... In answer to your question about... You wanted to know... You asked me about... Since you asked about... I know you need/ want/ would like information about... 要点提示: in regard to 关于 regarding 关于,至于,就……而论 in answer to 回答,响应 话题语句(1) What’s so funny? 什么如此滑稽? comedy 喜剧 making/pulling faces 做鬼脸 sketch 小品 anecdote 趣闻,轶事 crosstalk 相声 stand-up 单口喜剧,单人表演的 funny facial expression/ behavior/ stories 滑稽的面部表情/ 行为/ 故事 telling a joke 讲笑话 teasing someone 取笑某人 describing a ridiculous situation 描写可笑的情况 comedian 喜剧演员 clown 小丑,丑角,行为荒诞滑稽的人 performer 演员,表演者 artists 演员 What do comedians do? imitate famous people 模仿名人 put on different voice 装出不同的声音 get into trouble and then gets out of it 陷入麻烦,之后摆脱麻烦 make out that he/she is not very bright 假扮不很聪明 dress up as different people 扮演不同的人 tell good anecdotes and make up good jokes 讲趣闻,编笑话 make you burst out laughing 使你突然大笑 turn you off 让你扫兴;让你厌烦 What is special about stand-up comedy? 单口喜剧有什么特殊之处? 1. The comedian is right there in front of the audience and may talk directly to the audience members. 喜剧演员就站在观众前,可能直接与观众交谈。 2. Types of stand-up observational 观察型:Make jokes about humorous things. 拿滑稽的事开玩笑 prop 道具型:Use props to tell jokes. 使用道具来说笑话 physical 身体型:Use bodies to make jokes. 用身体来开玩笑 impressionist 滑稽模仿型:Act or speak like a well-known person 模仿名人说话表演 Phrases about laugh 有关laugh的表示法 He who laughs last laughs longest. 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好。 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 laugh in one’s face(公开表示)蔑视某人 laugh like a drain 放声大笑 burst out laughing 突然大笑 burst into laughter 突然大笑 fall about laughing 忍不住大笑 pull people’s legs/ pull sb’s. leg 哄骗,取笑/愚弄某人 Types of Humour 各种幽默 irony 反语 satire 讽刺 sarcastic humour 冷嘲热讽的幽默 dry humour 假装正经的幽默 black humour 黑色幽默 What special qualities should a comedian have? 喜剧演员应 ... ...

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