
Unit 1 The world of our senses Task(2)课件(20张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:70次 大小:1977623Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。 Unit 1 The world of our senses Task Telling a story Skills building 3: using adjectives and adverbs in stories 1. Let students know how to prepare a surprise ending and improve the language for storytelling. 2. To improve students’ language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing .Learning objectivesDo you like telling stories? Have you ever taken part in a storytelling competition?Lead inTask: Add a surprise ending to a story and present the ending to the class. The cop moved along the street, looking 1 and 2 . It was only about ten at night, but it was 3 . And there was a wind with a 4 rain in it. People in this part of the city went home 5 . Now and then you might see the lights of a shop or of a small restaurant. Then the cop 6 slowed his walk. Near the door of a darkened shop a man was standing. As the cop walked toward him, the man spoke 7 . "It's all right, officer," he said. "I'm waiting for a friend. Twenty years ago we agreed to meet here tonight. It sounds 8 to you, doesn't it? I'll explain if you want to be sure that everything's all right." The man near the door had a 9 square face with bright eyes, and a little white mark near his right eye. He had a 10 jewel in his necktie. Step Ⅰ. Listen and fill in the blanks.strongimportantcoldlittleearlylargesuddenlyquicklystrangecolorless1. What part of speech(词性) do those words have?2. What’s the fun_ction of those words in the story?Adjectives(形容词) and adverbs(副词).BrainstormingThey can make the story more interesting and lively.Step Ⅱ. Read the ending of the story ‘After Twenty Years’. Circle all the adjectives and underline all the adverbs. Try to appreciate their beauty.The main idea of the body of the story: The man with a mark tells the cop his life experience in the west and his appointment(约定) with his friend Jimmy Wells.Suggested answers Adjectives in the article: cold stronger tall long new bright electric good bad wise little another Adverbs in the article: directly doubtfully up near suddenly away enough sometimes quietlyDiscussion: 1. Do you really understand the whole story? 2. How do you like the ending?The main idea of the whole story: The first cop is Jimmy Wells, whom the man Bob is waiting for. Jimmy recognizes Bob at first sight but he pretends not, for Bob is a criminal(罪犯). Being a friend, he doesn’t want to arrest Bob himself so he gets another cop to do the job. The surprise ending makes the readers amazed and happy.How to make stories more interesting and lively 1. using some adjectives and adverbs 2. writing a surprise endingSummary Step Ⅲ. Gap filling. Make the body of your story more lively by adding adjectives and adverbs. 6Suggested answers 1. tired 2. asleep 3. suddenly 4. alive 5. frightened 6. loudly 7. back 8. beautiful 9. red 10. deliciousStep Ⅳ. Task: Group work: Add a surprise ending to your story using your Picture 6 to help you. How to be a great storyteller?have a nice tone of voice(声音抑扬顿挫) use proper fac ... ...

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