
译林牛津版高中英语模块四Unit1Advertising Welcome课件(共28张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:36次 大小:2919040Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。Welcome to the UnitAdvertisingLearning objectivesBy the end of the this period, we will be able to 1.be aware of the role of ads in our daily life; 2.distinguish between commercial ads and PSAs; 3.create a slogan to promote their school. Appreciation:Where are ads most commonly found?……in newspapersin magazineson billboardson the Interneton TVon the radioQuestions:Look at the four posters. Try to answer these questions:What can you see on each poster? What can you read on each poster? What does each advertisement want to tell us? 1234More questions:1.Which ads make you want to buy a product or service?2.Which ads make you think about social problems?Pictures 1 and 4Pictures 2 and 3Observation:Observe the four pictures again. Try to divide them into different types.Public service ads (PSAs) Earth DaySay ‘No’ to drugsOxlin AirlinesSoft Shine ShampooSell a serviceSell a productTeach us somethingTell us the dangerCommercial ads (CAs)Appreciate the following ads and tell which are PSAs and which are CAs.Time for a Tiger Sorry,I can't...Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)Yes to life, no to drugs!Go home as often as possible. What can you learn from the ad?Save energy and reduce emission, start with me! Do you believe that all the ads tell us the complete truth? Why or why not? Further discussion:Share with us your experience with ads.Games: (Tell the brands according to the slogans)Life is goodI love this gameNothing is impossibleJust do itSlogansBrandsIntelligence everywhere 智慧演绎 无处不在Ask for more 渴望无限Obey your thirst 服从你的渴望Thinking:A good sloganexpressiveshortattractiveexacteasy to rememberpersuasive……Discussion:Save water, save Earth.Think about a good slogan for each ad?BeastBeauty?orNo drunken driving !Fly with your cars!Mini-writing (Group work): Create a slogan to promote our school. Enter our school realise your dreams!key school, top students.Fly higher with Jiangsu Qingjiang High School!Homework:1. Look for more interesting ads and show them to your classmates next time. 2. Write a short passage about your experience with ads. 3. Preview the reading passage.Thank you. Goodbye!

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