
湖北省黄石市2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版(含听力音频有文字材料)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:67次 大小:23846098Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    黄石市2019~2020学年度上学期期末考试 高二英语听力原文及参考答案 听力原文 Text 1 M: What are you doing for summer vacation? W: China has changed a lot in the past few decades. I’m going to make a third visit. M: I bet it will be quite different now. Text 2 M: How much are these textbooks and notebooks? W: Let me see. One textbook costs $20 and it’s $2 for each notebook. There are three textbooks and five notebooks all together. Text 3 M: Just take a deep breath and relax. You will feel much less nervous. W: Easy for you to say. You are not the one about to speak in front of thousands of people. M: Just keep practicing and you’ll do fine. Text 4 W: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? M: Morning! I’ve got an appointment with Mr Smith. Tell him Paul is here. W: He told me you were coming. Enter the first door on the right. M: Thank you. Text 5 M: I need a new job. I was thinking of working in a shop, or maybe a factory. W: I know a factory that’s looking for an operator. You should try there. M: Thanks for the tip. What’s the company? Text 6 W: Jack, have you finished your essay? You need to correct all the mistakes I found yesterday. M: I’m sorry – I haven’t finished yet. W: How come? I told you the deadline is today. M: Yesterday afternoon I had to meet my uncle at the airport and then we had a family dinner at night. When I got home, I was too tired to write anything. W: Homework comes first. Text 7 W: Good evening, Doctor. Thanks for seeing us. M: What’s wrong with your daughter? W: I’m not sure. When I got back from work and finished cooking at 5:15 pm, I played with her in the living room. She was fine at first, but soon she looked pale and had a severe headache. M: How long has it lasted? W: It started at 6:30 pm. M: So, about 30 minutes. Please don’t worry and wait outside for a while. I need to do a further examination. Text 8 W: Excuse me, are you here to see Mr Brown? M: Yes. We’re coworkers. W: I’m sorry but he left his house about an hour ago. I don’t think he will be back soon. M: I just called him but his mobile phone was powered off. W: Is it important? M: Yes. I borrowed his laptop the day before yesterday and promised to return it today. W: You can leave it with me. He has promised to come over for Sunday dinner. M: That’s a good idea. W: Oh look, there he is! He’s coming home with some fruit. Text 9 M: Do you like this house, Susan? W: It’s almost perfect. The kids will love that big backyard! And it’d be great for parties! M: Speaking of parties, the dining room is huge. It’d be great for hosting family dinners. W: I love the dining room, too. And the kitchen has so much space! We’ll need to get some new appliances. M:It sounds like you love the place. Why is it “almost” perfect? W: I’m just worried about the neighborhood. It’s noisy here in the center of the city. M: I am worried about that, too. W: It’s also far from my office. It would add at least half an hour to my morning commute. M: I understand what you are saying. But this is the nicest hous ... ...

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