
16 大使馆妈妈

日期:2024-06-03 科目:语文 类型:小学教案 查看:84次 大小:10945Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2009·高三·我们最后一课 静 从6年的积累到高考的释放, 我们要有一个专心、静心地集聚能量的过程。蚕宝宝蜕变有一个停食过程,总攻号前的战场上也会是寂静无声的,勇士们子弹已经上镗,就等待着那一庄严时刻的到来。此时,我们需要的是静心,静心,再静心…… 高考PK知识+身体+心态 我们已经历经千辛万苦积累了6年的知识和经验,完全可以应付高考了。 我们现在所需要的是一个好的身体,好的身体是做成任何事情的本钱。 我们还需要一个好的心态。心态是知识与能力释放过程的催化剂。心态越好,催化剂就越多,知识与能力的释放就越充分、越完美。 高考年年都有黑马。黑马就是心态超好,导致超常发挥,知识与能力尽其释放。 高考年年都有遗憾。一味苦做难题则会使大脑因过度疲劳而产生“自我抑制”,最终导致前功尽弃! 单项选择 15’ 完形填空 20’ 阅读理解 40’ 单词拼写 5’ 短文改错15‘ 书面表达 25’ 时间就是分数,时间就是金钱,时间就是前途 单项选择 加强审题意识 ,在语境下答题。 多种解题方法并用,尤其是结构还原法、增元补全法 、抓关键词法、化繁为简法 、结构重组法 等,力争要做一题对一题。 多使用“错误排除法”来提高答题准确率。排除错误答案时,多问几个为什么 提高警惕,提防陷阱。最好能辨认出陷阱。 不可恋战,尤其是词组辨析题,不会就是不会,不要浪费过多的时间。 整体不难,但要细心,会的做对不留遗憾。 每题时都要问一下考什么?相关知识是什么? We _____ the umbrella for it didn’t rain at all. A. must not have taken B. wouldn’t have taken C. don’t have to take D. needn’t have taken 要对症下药 考什么?相关知识是什么? It is ___ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. A. so unusual B. such unusual C. such a unusual D. so unusual a 考什么?用什么方法解题? I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was aware of my presence as I . A. was of his B. did of him C. was him D. did his 以前没见过,超难!不过好象缺什么成分,补起来再说 语法题要进行句子分析 What plan did he think of _____ the building ahead of time A. complete B. completed C. completing D. to complete think of a plan to do sth. 语法题要进行句子分析 The old man never fails to help _____ is in need of his help. A. whom B. anyone C. whoever D. whomever whoever 做从句的主语 要把句子看完,不要遗漏关键词 Robert is said abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying 要把句子看完,不要遗漏关键词 Father is sleeping. Please _____ the radio a little. A. turn out B. turn off C. turn on D. turn down 对粗心的同学来说,高考题陷阱很多耶! 克服思维定势 Good manners are not always the same _____ different countries. A. with B. as C. in D. to — The exam wasn’t difficult , was it — No, but I don’t think could pass it. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody 克服思维定势 Physics always interested my classmates and me . A. is B. are C. have D. has There will be more people living in the development zone soon. A. much B. plenty of C. a lot D. a lot of 克服思维定势 Quickly he himself down, and soon fell asleep. A. lay B. laid C. lain D. lied A computer does only what thinking people . A. have it do B. have it done ... ...

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