
小学英语人教版(PEP)四年级下册 Recycle1第一课时 【课件+教案+同步练习】

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:59898599Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人教pep版四年级下册Recycle1教学设计 课题 第一课时 单元 Recycle1 学科 English 年级 四下 学习 目标 1. 能够完成Read aloud部分的活动,复习巩固Unit 1-Unit 3中所学的语言。 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;部分学习能力较强的学生能进行角色表演。 2. 能够完成Listen, circle and match部分的活动,听录音,圈出听到的某字母组合,再连线对应的图片,复习巩固ar, or, er, ir, al, ur的发音规则。 3. 能够完成Look, ask and answer部分的活动,认真看图,依照示范语言进行问答,复习巩固前三单元所学的核心句型。 重点 ?在情景对话中复习所学句型和词汇,培养学生的复习意识。? 2.?在听力和阅读任务中复习句型和词汇。 难点 能在语境中灵活运用所学的语言知识。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm-up Magic eyes I can say Free talk A: What's the weather like? B : It's_____. Is this your school? A:Yes,It's_____. B:Where is _____? A:It's on_____. ... Magic eyes I can say Free talk 由游戏和Free talk引入教学内容并借由Free talk拉近师生的距离并复习相关知识。 Presentation Recycle Look at the video What's this video about ? This video about fashion show. Do you want to a fashion show? Do you know the time and place of the show? Sarah and her friend want to the show,too.Maybe they know. Listen and answer Listen : Find out the time and place of the show. Q1:Where is the show? Q2:What time is the show? Listen:The show will start at 4 o'clock,What time do they go? Listen:It's 3:40.What's the weather like now? Listen:It's windy and cold.We need to wear warm clothes.What does Sarah wear? They are near the library. Listen:What's the weather like now?Where is the library?. Do they see the show? No.they don't. Why? Because the show was cancel Look at the video Follow the tape Role play . Look at the video I can say Listen and answer Look at the video Follow the tape Read all together Role play 情境创造的方式展开教学,Sarah和朋友去看show,图片提问的方式进行场景设计,让学生加入其中,让教师更好引导出新知并通过跟读理解多种方式操练发现学生的语音语调。 加深学生对单词的印象。 跟读音频进一步的加深学生对的语音语调 全班齐读 consolidation and extension Listen circle and math Look and ask Game Pair work Listen circle and math Look and ask Game Pair work 课本练习、游戏、两人一组进行编对话,接着表演,通过练习巩固所学知识 Homework 1.Review Unit1 Unit2 2.Listen and follow Unit1 Unit2(3 time) Homework 设计作业内容,让学生巩固复习。 板书 Recycle1 What’s the weather? What time is it? Where is _____? Recycle1 第一课时 根据句子提示填写单词。 It’s 8:30. It’s time for m__s__c class. It’s 9:45. It’s time for m__th class. It’s 2:50. It’s time for Ch__n__s__ class. It’s 11:05. It’s time for __n__l__sh class. It’s 3:50. It’s time for _____ class. 二、选择正确的答句,把号码填在题前的括号内。 ( )1、What time is it? A、It’s warm. ( )2、Is this the library? B、It’s on the second floor ( )3、Do you have a jacket? C、Yes,it is. ( )4、Where is the library? D、It’s 8:00. ( )5、What’s the weather? E、Yes,I do. 阅读短文,判断对错。 Dear Grandma, How are you? Thank you for the new shir ... ...

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