

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:58次 大小:4443519Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Never Mind the Internet. Here’s What’s Killing Malls 别怪互联网,这才是商场衰败的原因 Despite a strong consumer economy, physical retailers closed more than 9,000 stores in 2019 — more than the total in 2018, which surpassed the record of 2017. It is easy to chalk it up to the rise of e-commerce, which has thrived while physical stores struggle. But this can be overstated. Internet shopping still represents only 11% of the entire retail sales total. 尽管美国消费经济强劲,但实体零售商在2019年关闭了9000多家门店,超过2018年的关店总数,并打破了2017年的纪录。实体店举步维艰之际,电子商务却蓬勃发展,因而人们很容易将“关店潮”归咎于电商的兴起。但这可能言过其实,毕竟网络购物在整体零售总额中的占比仍仅为11%。 Collectively, three major economic forces have had an even bigger impact on brick-and-mortar retail than the Internet has. 三大经济力量合在一起,对实体零售的影响甚至超过了互联网。 Big Box Stores: In the US and elsewhere, we have changed where we shop — away from smaller stores like those in malls and toward stand-alone “Big Box” stores. The economists found that the rise of warehouse clubs and supercenters was bigger than the rise of online commerce. 大型百货商场:不论是在美国还是其它地方,我们购物的场所已经发生了改变。人们更少光顾购物中心里那些较小的商店,转而青睐独立运作的“大卖场”。经济学家发现,仓储式会员店和特大购物中心的崛起要比电子商务的兴起更为显著。 Income Inequality: Rising income inequality has left less of the nation’s money in the hands of the middle class, and the traditional retail stores that cater to them have suffered. 这收入不平等:收入差距的扩大让这个国家中产阶级手中的财富变少,服务于中产阶级的传统零售业也随之遭殃。 Services Instead of Things: With every passing decade, Americans have spent proportionately less of income on things and more on services. 服务消费胜过商品支出:每过去十年,美国人在商品上的支出都相应减少,而服务上的花费则相应增加。 In short, the broad forces hitting retail are more a lesson in economics than in the power of disruptive technology. 简而言之,让零售业受到冲击的普遍因素,更多是来自经济学的教训,而非颠覆性的科技力量。 外刊时文精选精读精练 考纲单词和短语精练: 1. _____ 没关系,不要紧(used to urge someone not to feel anxiety or distress) Well, _____, I can buy you another one. 没关系,我再给你买一个。 2. _____ 将某事归因于某一原因(_____/_____) 3. _____ vi. 蓬勃发展,茁壮成长 4. _____ vt. 夸张言过其实_____ vt.声称,表达(_____/_____) 5. _____ 数字/百分比 构成,组成(_____/_____) _____ vt. 代表 The new offer _____ an increase of 10% on the previous one. 这轮新的报价比上一次报价高出10%。 6. _____ adv. 总的来说(_____/_____) _____ vt. 集合,聚集 _____ adj. 集体的,共同的 _____ 集体的智慧 _____ 集体的努力 7. _____ 实体零售业 _____ 实体零售商 _____ n. 砖头 mortar n. 灰泥 _____ 实体店铺 8. _____ 大型零售商店(a retail store that occupies an enormous amount of physical space and offers a variety of products to its consumers) 9. _____ 某物 ... ...

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