
牛津泽林版高中英语必修3 - Unit3 Back to the past Task_学案2

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:38次 大小:8751Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 Back to the past Task 【学习目标】 1.Learn how to listen for the main ideas of a passage. 2.Learn how to describe a picture. 【学习重点】 Skills in listening &describing pictures. 【学习过程】 自主学习 1.Vocabulary (温馨提示:说一千道一万记住单词是关键) (1)_____ n.表达,表情,神色. →_____V 表达 (2)_____ n. 观众,听众 (3)_____ n 洞穴 (4)_____ n 仪式,典礼,→_____成立仪式 (5)_____n共和国,共和政体→_____中华人民共和国 2.Tips on listening When we are listening to get the main ideas of something, we should try to find out: (1)people are talking; (number) (2)they are; (place) (3)they are doing; (thing) (4)they are talking about (subject) 3.Tips on describing When we are describing a picture, we should pay attention to: (1)Do not point out _____of the picture. (2)Briefly mention the _____ of the picture. (3)Focus on the related _____about the picture. 合作探究 Step 1 Lead in Step 2 Skills building 1: listening for the main idea 1.When we are listening to get the main idea, we should try to find out: ◎how many people are talking ◎where they are ◎what they are doing ◎what they are talking about 2.Listen to a short conversation and complete the notes below The number of people talking:(1) The place where they are talking:(2) The thing they are doing while talking(3) The subject they are talking about(4) Step 3 Practice 1.Listen to a conversation and choose the right answer. Notes I am now listening to (1)A.an argument B.an interview C.a chat between friends. I can hear (2)A.one person B.two persons C.three persons talking. The conversation takes place in a (3)A.classroom B.restaurant C.library. The title of the girl’s talk is (4)A.Pompeii, a lost civilization B.Loulan, a lost civilization C.YuanMingyuan, a lost civilization 2.Listen to a conversation again and choose the right answer. Useful expressions to use when giving a talk. 1.Words of welcome Classmates, friends: (1)____ A.How are you? B.Where are you going? C.Good morning, everyone. Hello, good to see you all here. Nice to see you all here. Guests: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 2.Thanking people for coming Classmates, friends: Thanks for coming. I’m so glad you could all join us. Thank you for coming to the talk today. Guests: Thank you all for taking the time to be here. (2)____ I’m very grateful that you have come today. I’m sorry that you have come today. I’m disappointed that you have come today. Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen. 3.Explaining why you are giving the talk Today, (3)____A.I want to B.I’m here to C.I would like to show you some photographs of the lost civilization of Pompeii, and to tell you something about (4)____ A.What happened. B.Where it happened. C.How it happened. We’re all gathered here to view some.... 4.Mentioning your hopes I hope this has been interesting for you. (5)_____ I hope that you liked it. I hope that you wo ... ...

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