
2020年河南省许昌市市一高高三英语模拟预测卷(无听力试题 写作改错无答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:73728Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020年河南省许昌市市一高高三英语模拟预测卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Enjoy a concert, opera, or a ballet that touches your soul, Ontario has your tickets to performances year round. Performing Arts Ottawa's National Arts Centre sand MERIDIAN HALL in Toronto both present great series of music,dance and shows.Representing professional dance and opera companies in the city, the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts(TAPA) will llow you to know what's playing on Toront's stages ; download their mobile app for on-the-go performing arts tickets,reviews and searches, and free telephone service is also available for more guidance. Theatre You'll love the summer theatre in Ontario's scenic rural spaces. Enjoy the Canadian stories in a historic barn( 谷仓) at the 4th Line Theatre near Peterborough. The Brighton Barn Theatre is another unique theatre set in a farm feld. Once a working cattle bam, the Globus Theatre at the LAB now is well-known for offering a professional summer season for theatre and a mix of dramas and comedy nights at other times throughout the year. It creates partnerships with theatre companies in various counties, and shows diverse theatre for communities. Orchestral Music(管弦乐) Enjoy the wide-ranging programs of Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Hamilton's music scene is booming with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra offering up another season of great concerts, as is the Ontario Philharmonic in Oshawa,with a solid season of excellent traditional music, wonderful with great special events. Ballet Toronto is a centre for different Canadian dance from the National Ballet of Canada to the Toronto Dance Theatre. The Ballet Series at the National Arts Centre ( NAC) presents three ballet productions in Southam Hall, each featuring the NAC Orchestra. 21. What might the TAPA function as? A. An application. B. A guidebook. C. An art centre. D. A service organization. 22. What does the author say about the Globus Theatre? A.It lies in a scenic farm filed in Ontario. B. It provides performances from around the world. C. It once was well-known as a working cattle barn. D. It shows dramas and comedies throughout the year. 23. Where will those fond of classical works prefer to go? A. Ottawa's National Arts Centre. B. The Brighton Barn Theatre. C. The Ontario Philharmonic. D. The Toronto Dance Theatre. B I am Fionn Ferreira, an Irish teenager. I am very delighted to have won $50 ,000 for my project. My project came about as I was constantly hearing about plastic pollution on the news. And I also see the real effects on our beaches every day. I discovered, to my shock, that at present no filtration( 过滤) for microplastics takes place in any European wastewater treatment centers, so I started looking for a solution. Seeing that there was none, I decided to investigate further, finally finding a way to use the feerofluid(铁磁流体),a liquid whi ... ...

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