
Unit7 It's raining!SectionA(2a-2d)(共32张PPT)+音视频+随堂练习

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:51次 大小:63297002Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 7 It's raining! SectioA(2a-2d) 人教版本 七年级下册 Watch the weather report and take notes. Cities Weather Canada Mexico England France Japan snowy sunny foggy rainy cloudy Let's review Cities Weather Canada snowy Mexico sunny England foggy France raniy Japan cloudy A:How's the weather in Canada? B:It's... What's the weather like in Mexico? A:It's... Pair work What are they doing in each picture? 1.The boy _____ _____on the phone. 2.The woman _____ _____dinner. 3.The girl _____ _____on the phone,too. 4.The girl_____ _____TV. 5.The boy _____ _____the computer. 6.The man ___________basketball. is talking is talking is cooking is using is watching is playing Prediction Listen and number the pictures [1-4]. 2a 3 2 4 Listening Listen again. Match the names with the activities. 2b c Uncle Joe ___ Jeff ___ Mary ___ Aunt Sally a. is playing computer games. b. is cooking. c. is playing basketball. d. is watching TV. a d b Jim: Hello, Linda. This is Jim. Linda: Hello, Jim! Jim: Is Uncle Joe there? Linda: No, he isn’t. He’s outside. Jim: Outside? It’s _____, isn’t it? Linda: No, it’s _____ and _____ _____. Jim: What’s Uncle Joe doing? Linda: He’s _____ basketball. Listen again and complete the conversation. cold sunny playing really warm Jim: Is Aunt Sally there? Linda: Yes, she is, but she’s busy _____. Jim: _____? Linda: She’s cooking. Jim: How about Mary? _____? Linda: Not much. She’s only watching TV. You want to _____ to her, don’t you? Jim: Yes, thanks. And can I say “hi” to Jeff, too? Linda: Sure. He’s just _____ computer games. What’s she doing playing right now talk What’s she doing Talk about the people in 2a with a partner. 2c Names Places Activites Uncle Joe outside play basketball Jeff at home play comupter games Mary at home watch TV Aunt Sally at home cook A:What is Uncle Joe doing? B:He is playing basketball outside. Pair Work Linda's mom Linda Mary Jeff Linda's dad Linda’s family Story telling in turns (每人轮流讲述,看哪组讲得最长,最精彩) : This is Linda’s family. It’s 5:10 p.m. Linda’s family are doing different things. Linda is ... Story time bad [b?d] This apple is bad. adj.坏的,糟的 How bad the weather is! not bad 不错 New words park[pɑ?k] n.公园 in the park 在公园 No problem. 没问题 problem ['pr?bl?m] n.问题 message ['mes?d?] n.信息 take a message 捎口信,传话 Can I take a message? 要我给她捎个口信吗? call (sb. )back 回(某人)电话 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Who What Where How 1.Where is the boy? 2.What is he doing? 3.Who is he probably talking with? 3.How does he feel? He is at home. He is talking on the phone. Maybe his friends,or family. He feels happy. Tips:When you read the picture,you should pay attention to the details(place,feelings,activities) Prediction Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions. 2d 1.How's the weather? 2.What's Steve doing? 3.What is Rick's brother doing? 4. What does Steve want Rick’s brother to d ... ...

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