
2021版高考英语一轮复习新人教版必修4 Unit 4 Body language课件+学案+试卷含答案(3份打包)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:80次 大小:13935351Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 Body language (建议用时:40分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020·昆明高三诊断)Who’re happier, men or women? Research shows it’s a complex question and that asking whether males or females are happier isn’t really that helpful, because basically, happiness is different for women and men. Women’s happiness has been declining for the past 30 years, according to recent statistics. And research shows that women are twice as likely to experience depression compared with men. Gender(性别) differences in depression are well confirmed and studies have found that biological, psychological and social factors contribute to the difference. Early studies on gender and happiness found men and women were socialized to express different feelings. Women are more likely to express happiness, warmth and fear, which help with social bonding and appear more consistent with the traditional role as a primary caregiver, while men display more anger, pride and disrespect, which are more consistent with a protector and provider role. Recent research suggests that these differences are not just socially, but also genetically related. Studies have looked into these findings further and discovered that females use more areas of the brain containing mirror neurons(镜像神经元) than males when they process feelings. Mirror neurons allow us to experience the world from other people’s view, to understand their actions and intentions. This may explain why women can experience deeper sadness. Women tend to experience more negative feelings, such as more guilt, shame and to a lesser degree, embarrassment. Psychologically it seems men and women differ in the way they process and express feelings. With the exception of anger, women experience feelings more strongly and share their feelings more openly with others. Studies have found in particular that women express more appreciation—which has been linked to greater happiness. This supports the theory that women’s happiness is more dependent on relationships than men’s. 【解题导语】 本文从社会、生理和心理三个方面介绍了男性和女性在幸福感上的差异。 1.Which feeling are men more likely to show compared with women? A.Warmth.         B.Depression. C.Happiness. D.Disrespect. D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中的“while men display more anger, pride and disrespect”可知,男性表现更多的是生气、骄傲和无礼,故选D。 2.What factors cause women to share feelings more openly? A.Psychological factors. B.Biological factors. C.Educational factors. D.Social factors. A 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,本段从心理方面介绍了男性和女性在处理和表达感情方面的不同:与男性相比,女性更加公开地表露自己内心的情感。 3.One can probably read the text from _____. A.a science fiction B.a culture brochure C.a nursery guide D.a health magazine D 解析:文章出处题。根据本文内容可知,本文主要从社会、生理和心理三个方面分析了男性和女性在幸福感上的差异。由此可推知,本文有可能摘自一本健康杂志,故选D项。 4.What is the text mainly abou ... ...

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