
Unit 7 I’m not afraid! 课件(3课时,72张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:14次 大小:38067490Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 I'm not afraid! Period 1 学习目标 能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词afraid, close, tried, difficult, clever, worry, kid;能听懂、会说、认读词汇和短语monster, still, later on; 能用“I'm (not) ...”在实际情境中表达自己的情感与情绪; 会安慰他人,能正确看待生活中遇到的困难,勇于尝试。 Lead-in Hello, boys and girls! How are you? Let's sing the song “If you are happy” together. Let's Learn We have some new friends today. Some of them are not so well. Let's see what we can do. It is Halloween. But Jane is afraid of these “ghosts”. [??fre?d] 害怕的 adj. New Words Jack has too much homework. He is tired. [?ta??d] 累的;疲倦的 adj. New Words New Words Mary is not good at maths. The maths problrms are difficult to her. [?d?f?k?lt] 困难的 adj. Nate failed his exam. He worries very much. [?w?ri] 焦虑;担心 v. New Words Do you know how to comfort(安慰) them? This is Daniel. He is very clever. Everyone likes him. [?klev?(r)] 聪明的 adj. New Words I think this monster is very cute. 我觉得这只怪物很可爱。 monster ['m?nst?(r)] 怪物,巨兽 n. New Words Please close the door. 请关门。 close [kl??z] 关;闭 v. New Words The kids are dancing together. 孩子们在一起跳舞。 kid [k?d] 小孩 n. New Words Let's Learn Let's Learn Let's Learn difficult afraid friendly clever happy tired 看图选词 看图选词 difficult afraid friendly clever happy tired difficult afraid friendly clever happy tired 看图选词 difficult afraid friendly clever happy tired 看图选词 difficult afraid friendly clever happy tired 看图选词 difficult afraid friendly clever happy tired 看图选词 Let's Listen and Say Language Point be afraid of 害怕…… Language Point You shouldn't ... 你不应该…… Language Point Really? 真的吗? Language Point later on 以后 Let's Listen and say Now let's role-play the text. Monkeys see, monkeys do. happy tired serious afraid worry clever kid Act and guess. difficult Homework 1. 抄写并背诵本课词组; 2. 熟读课文; 3. 和同学一起表演、说说关于内心感受的句子。 See you! Unit 7 Period 2 I'm not afraid! 学习目标 进一步巩固、运用新词汇afraid, close, tried, difficult, clever, worry, kid;能听懂、会说、认读词汇swimmer, step, use, reply, hold; 能用“I'm (not) ...””I'm afraid of ...”在实际情境中表达自己的情感与情绪; 会安慰他人,能正确看待生活中遇到的困难,勇于尝试。 Lead-in Revision Hanging Man吊死鬼 围绕本单元所学的单词,老师给出2个字母,学生分小组来猜,猜错一次画一笔,画满10笔即形成一个吊死鬼,同时猜对一个单词就获得一次解救,看哪个小组“存活”得久。 老师分别请同学到讲台上,出示单词卡片给学生,由学生表演出夸张的面部或肢体动作,让台下的学生猜,并说出句子”He/She is ...”,先猜对的同学加分。 I Act and You Guess 我演你猜 Let's Practise Let's Practise 疲惫 聪明 困难 害怕 转一转,说一说 看图说话 The girl is not _____ of dark. 看图说话 He is _____ after so much work. 看图说话 They think of a good idea. They are so _____. 看图说话 It is _____ for her to ride a bike Let's Read Mrs Chen took Lingling and Dongdong to a swimming ... ...

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