
山东省潍坊高密市2020届高三模拟英语试题二 Word版含答案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:27次 大小:18714Byte 来源:二一课件通
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_____ 高 三 英 语 试 题(二) 2020.6 (试卷满分:120分) 第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Many college students want to look for seasonal, short-term or part-time jobs to get extra cash, to stay busy or to get working experience. Lifeguard The job is a great opportunity to build your fitness, keep people safe and be outdoors to enjoy some fun on the beach in the sun. The average hourly wage for lifeguards is $ 9.31, but those with certifications or previous experience may be able to earn a bit more. Nanny (保姆) Students can find plenty of positions as parents scramble (争抢) to arrange activities and find care for their children. Students who enjoy spending time with kids, staying active and being outdoors can spend their leisure time making money without even feeling like they’re working. Nannies make $ 14.56 per hour. Camp Consultant Students who enjoy spending their time with children, being a leader and monitoring fun outdoor activities are perfect for camp consultant positions. The average hourly wage for camp consultants is $9.28, but those with many years’ experience or specific academic backgrounds may be able to earn more. Food Server Although it may not seem like the most attractive way to spend a weekend, working as wait staff allows students to build up their social skills, stay active, enjoy free meals at work and posily educate themselves about different cuisines. However, food servers need to be on their feet for hours at a time and must be able to multi-task like professionals, so take this into account before submitting an application. The average salary is $ 9.00 hourly, but trips can raise that number. 1. Who are the two jobs nanny and camp consultant most fit for? A. Students who want to develop their social skills. B. Students who love staying with children. C. Students who love traveling. D. Students who love camping. 2. What should you take into consideration before applying to be a food server? A. The way of cooking. B. The food you can enjoy. C. Long standing time at work. D. Skill in getting tips from customers. 3. What job can you do if you’re good at swimming? A. A lifeguard. B. A nanny. C. A camp consultant. D. A food server. B Connie Monroe clicks a button, flicks her wrist and watches as her neighborhood floods. The shorelines are first to go. Then, the baseball fields at Fleming Park. By the time seawater reaches the senior center, it has flooded streets and over a dozen brick homes. Monroe moves her head up and down, side to side, taking in the simulated (仿真的) view. This is what could happen to Turner Station, a historic African American community southeast of Baltimore, as sea levels rise. Climate change presents many challenges to coastal communities and to those trying to prepare for its impacts, but one of the most basic is also one of the most vexing: How do you show people and convince them ... ...

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