
Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单元测试卷带解析

日期:2024-05-22 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:47次 大小:1438720Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 人教版新教材高一必修三2单元测试卷 (满分100,时间60分钟) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分15分) A When Susan Saunders was 36, her mother was diagnosed(诊断) with severe dementia(痴呆). “I had a full-time job as a TV producer – and I became a carer as well.” As a teenager, she watched her mum care for her own mother, who had the same condition. “I decided to increase my and my families’ chances of ageing well.” Annabel Streets’ story is similar. As a student, she watched her mother care for her grandmother, who lived with dementia for nearly 30 years. She said, “When I developed a chronic autoimmune disease, I knew things had to change.” Together, Saunders and Streets started researching the latest science on how to have a healthier, happier old age and?blogged about their findings for five years (?https:?/??/?agewellproject.com?/?blog?/?" \o "?). Their Age Well Project has now been?published as a book (?https:?/??/?agewellproject.com?/?our-book?/?" \o "?), and Streets and Saunders, both in their 50s, say they have never been in better health. What did they learn? Walk faster Walking is good, but pace matters. Fast walking has been linked to better memory, better health and a longer life. Increase your pace until you are slightly out of breath or sweaty. Read books Frequent reading has been linked to longer, healthier life. A Yale study of 3,600 over-50s found that?reading increased longevity (?https:?/??/?www.theguardian.com?/?books?/?2016?/?aug?/?08?/?book-up-for-a-longer-life-readers-die-later-study-finds" \o "?)?by almost two years. While those who read for more than 3.5 hours a week lived longest. Work longer While many people dream of retirement,?a new study (?https:?/??/?jech.bmj.com?/?content?/?70?/?9?/?917.short" \o "?) found that people who worked longer lived longer. This is because working usually involves social interaction, movement and a sense of purpose. But working long hours year after year is not the answer either. From mid-life on, the sweet spot for health and longevity is working at a less intense pace and for fewer hours. 1. Which of the followings is right? A. Susan Saunders was diagnosed with severe dementia at 36. B. Saunders and Streets try to increase their chances of ageing well. C. Annabel Streets is a student and often watches her mother care for her grandmother. D. Annabel Streets has to take care of four children. 2. What should you do if you want to age well? A. You should walk in the morning (?https:?/??/?www.psychologytoday.com?/?intl?/?blog?/?the-athletes-way?/?201904?/?morning-exercise-may-improve-decision-making-during-the-day" \o "?). B. You should work at a less intense pace. C. You should read for more than 3.5 hours every day. D. You should work at a less intense pace and for fewer hours from mid-life on. 3. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Saunders found that people who worked longer lived longer. B. Saunders and Streets apply the healthy lifestyle to thei ... ...

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