
Unit 6 Which one do you want 拓展提升导学案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:18次 大小:214610Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小学英语 Unit 6 Which one do you want? 拓展提升 学习目标: 1. 通过听力训练提高听力水平,学习听力技巧; 2. 能熟练地运用所学单词和句型对事物作出比较,进行选择。 重点:能够根据听力录音分辨出图片及单词。 难点:利用本单元的单词、短语以及句型来描述有关服饰的喜好。 考点精讲: 一、Let’s Listen 1. 听录音,选出你所听到的图片。 A. B. 答案:A 听力原文: —Which one do you want, the beautiful raincoat or the lovely umbrella? —I want the beautiful raincoat. 2. 听录音,选择正确的答语。 A. Yes, sure. B. The thick one. 答案:A 听力原文: Mum, can I have a jacket? 3. 听录音,选择正确的答句。 A. Yes, he is. B. No, I don’t. 答案:B 听力原文:Do you like the jeans? 4. 听录音,选出正确的图片。 A. B. 答案:B 听力原文: -Which dictionary do you want, English or Chinese? -Chinese, please. 二、Let’s Write 【范文欣赏】 Zhang Li has some new clothes. Her hat is red. It is very pretty. Her skirt is pink. It is short and thin. Her scarf is nice. It is a present from her friend Mary. She doesn’t like her T-shirt. It is too long. 【写作训练】 根据提示,描述你的衣服。可适当添加内容。 coat nice and thin scarf beautiful jeans cool shoes too big 答案:I have some new clothes. My coat is nice and thin. My mother bought it for me last year. The scarf is beautiful. It is purple and is made of silk. My jeans are cool. I like them very much. But I don’t like my shoes. They’re too big. 思路分析:根据要求“描述你的衣服”,故开头可用:I have some new clothes. 然后根据表格中的衣服及特点,加上合适的be动词连成句子。如:My coat is nice and thin. 结尾可点明你喜欢或不喜欢的。如:I don’t like my shoes. They’re too big. 最后连句成篇。 同步练习: (答题时间:15分钟) 一、读一读,选择答语。 A. I want the big one. B. He doesn’t like it. C. Yes, dear. D. They’re very cool and nice. ( ) 1. Can I have a raincoat? ( ) 2. Zhou Jie likes his new clothes. ( ) 3. Which one do you want? ( ) 4. The coat is too long. 二、选词填空。 1. _____(Which/ What) coat do you want, the red one or the brown one? 2. Annie _____(have/ has) some new clothes. 3. Peter _____(like/ likes) his jeans and shoes. 4. I want an _____(jacket/ umbrella). 5. The shoes _____(is/are) too big. 三、阅读短文,相符合写“T”,不相符合写“F”。 Lingling and Peter are good friends. Lingling has new clothes. But she doesn’t like some of them. The hat is small. The coat is too big. She likes the skirt, because the skirt is beautiful! Peter has new clothes, too. His scarf is warm, but it is too long. He likes the jacket and the shoes. They are very cool! 1. Lingling’s coat is small. (??? ) 2. Lingling likes the skirt. (? ?? ) 3. Peter’s scarf is too short. (?? ? ) 4. Peter likes the jacket and the shoes. (?? ) 5. Lingling doesn’t like the hat. (?? ) 答案: 一、 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 解析:这是一道根据给出的问句或是答句,选择合适答句或者问句的题,那么针对每一个句子,都要做到逐句去翻译,并对于两句话是否匹配,进行验证。 二、 1. Which 解析:后面有选择范围,故用which;what没有范围,意为“什么”。 2. has 解析:主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词 ... ...

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