
Module 1 Unit3 What can you hear 第二课时 课件 (17张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:63次 大小:3891004Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Hello. Welcome to English class. Module 1 Using my five senses 小学英语--二年级--上海牛津版 3 What can you hear? Period 2 -- Ann Game time 高低音游戏: 老师一手拿单词卡片,一边以手势表示,手抬高,同学们相应地要大声说单词,手抬低,同学们就小声说,也可以和老师相反,老师声音高,小朋友就低,反之如此。 Free talk Can you hear a ship? No. Can you hear a train? Yes. Can you hear a bus? No. Can you hear a car? Yes. Can you hear a ship? Yes. No. I can hear a bike. Can you hear a car? Can you hear a train? Yes. Can you hear a bus? Yes. Let's play Read the words bus ship bike train dog cat bird duck Group work Can you hear a _____? Yes. / No. Sing a song Practice 1,把单词补充完整。 b u s b i k e d o g sh i p c a r tr ai n c a t b ir d d u ck pl a ne Find the words {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}b u b u s s u b t r a n c a r d s h i s h i p s r i t r a i n e Read and match What can you see? Yes. I can hear a train. What can you hear? I can see a bike. Can you hear a bus? No. Can you hear a train? I can hear a train. Summary words:train,car, bus,ship sentences: Can you hear a _____? Yes. /No. song:“Here it comes!” Homework 1,模仿 Let's play 的对话与好朋友说一说 2,把今天所学歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听 3,预习课本第12页 Thank you. See you next time.

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