
2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修一精品教学设计:Unit 1 Teenage life Reading and Thinking

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:16次 大小:1111040Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课 题 Unit1 TEENAGE LIFE Reading and Thinking 学 科 英语 班 级 Class 授课教师 教 学目 标 能够阅读自述体文本,理解其文体特征及语言特点,获取有效信息。 探讨和比较中外高中新生的生活,了解同龄人的生活状态和情感世界,尤 其是在成长过程中克服困难、努力进取的心路历程; 通过比较、对比,树立乐观向上、阳光豁达的心态,积极迎接高中生活的挑战,以着眼于未来的胸怀,脚踏实地地过好高中生活的每一天。 重 点 能够利用语篇标题、图片、关键词、主题句等获得语篇大意。 难 点 强化训练学生运用略读策略快速获取文本的主要信息,帮助学生分析语篇的组织 结构,引导学生比较和思考中外高中生活的异同。 教 学方 法 Interactive Reading Approach 教 学 内 容 与 过 程 Step1 Pre-reading 学生分组讨论活动1中的问题。教师可以提醒学生校园生活不只局限在学习上,还可以是校园活动、兴趣爱好的培养、人际关系、自我管理、人生规划等,帮助学生打开思路。 Step2 While-listening (1)学生看图片并阅读语篇标题,预测语篇可能涉及的内容。同时教师引导学生学习freshman和challenge这两个生词。教师提示:Some senior high schools in the USA begin from the 9th grade and end in the 12th grade. In this case, 9th graders are also called freshmen, that is, “fresh + men”. Think about how a person usually feels when he or she enters senior high school. It could be excited; it could be confused; it could be worried … Actually, “challenge” means something new and difficult. It takes time and hard work to deal with a challenge. 学生快速阅读语篇,找出每个段落的关键词或主题句,概括段落大意,完成活动2。 (3)学生根据所概括的段落大意,对照文本,完成一张关于语篇结构的思维导图。教师提醒学生关注关键词,并提问: Which paragraph is the main part? Which paragraphs are the supporting parts? 板书以下结构: (4)学生阅读活动3中的问题,再仔细阅读语篇,寻找答案。教师提示: Go through these questions. The answers to some of the questions can be found in the text. But some questions are not so easy to answer because you have to infer based on the facts from the text. You may have to find the related information and think about them. 关于这个活动,教师示范如何对问题进行归类,例如: 事实细节类问题 What courses did Adam choose? What is Adam worried about? 推断类问题 Which one do you think would be his favourite? Why? Is Adam confident that he will get used to senior high school life? How do you know? 词义理解类问题 What does “make the team” in Paragraph 3 mean? 教师追问: Can you think of other phrases using “make”? (5)学生再次阅读语篇,提取文中关键信息并填入活动4的表格中。完成表格后,让学生按照表格提纲,用完整的句子复述语篇内容。 Step3 Post-reading (1)学生分组讨论活动4中的第一个问题,然后用自己的语言回答。教师引导: Please find information in the text to show what kind of person Adam is. When you answer the question, you may have to think about the information you’ve found and describe Adam’s personality in your own words. For example, I think Adam is a serious student. For one thing, when he was confused about which courses to choose, he thought carefully and asked his adviser for help. You may have to state the reasons based on t ... ...

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