
人教版(新课程标准)必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics课时作业含解析(4份打包)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:92次 大小:1163776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课时作业1 Ⅰ.Fast?reading 1.Match the following paragraphs with their main ideas. ①Para.1    A.The history of the Amber Room ②Paras.2&3 B.The rebuilding of the Amber Room ③Para.4 C.The introduction of the Amber Room ④Para.5 D.The missing of the Amber Room 2.What does the text tell us? Please fill in the blank. The text tells the history of the _____ made of tons of _____, how it was made, why it came to _____ and became one of the _____ in the world and how it _____. 答案 1.①C ②A ③D ④B 2.Amber Room; amber; Russia; wonders; got lost Ⅱ.Careful?reading Read the text careful and choose the best answer. 1.According to Para.1, the Amber Room was the following EXCEPT _____. A.a gift from the King of Prussia to the Russian people B.made of several tons of amber, whose colour is yellow?brown and beautiful C.designed in a fancy style which is popular all the time D.a treasure with gold and jewels, taking Prussia's best artists about ten years to make 2.The Amber Room was first designed to be _____. A.a gift B.the palace of Frederick William Ⅰ C.a palace of Frederick Ⅰ D.part of the Czar's winter palace 3.Which of the following is CORRECT? A.Frederick Ⅰ sent the Amber Room to Peter the Great. B.Frederick William Ⅰ sent the Amber Room to Peter the Great in return for the troop given by the Czar. C.The Amber Room was used as a hall to receive the important guests. D.The Amber Room was used as the Czar's celebrating hall. 4.From Para.3, we know that _____. A.Catherine Ⅱ still used it as a reception hall B.Catherine Ⅱ had her artists rebuild the room (in) the way she wanted C.with candles lighting the room, the room shone like gold D.even though the Amber Room was one of the wonders of the world, it is not found now 5.In 1941, what happened to the Amber Room? A.The Russians moved the Amber Room out of the summer palace. B.When the Nazis arrived, the Russians were trying to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Room. C.The Amber Room was stolen by some of the Russian soldiers. D.The Amber Room itself was stolen, taken apart and sent to a city on the Baltic Sea. 答案 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D Ⅲ.Summary Frederick William Ⅰ, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his __1__ (great) gift to the Russian people would have such an __2__ (amaze) history. Actually, the Amber Room was designed __3__ the palace of Frederick Ⅰ. The room __4__ (make) of several tons of amber. But the next King of Prussia decided to give it to the Russian people as a gift of friendship. __5__ return, the Czar sent a troop of his best __6__ (soldier) to the Prussia. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg. It served as a small __7__ (receive) hall for important visitors. Later, Catherine Ⅱ had it __8__ (move) to a palace where she spent her summers. Before the Nazis got to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber ... ...

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