
Unit14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.SectionB(3a-selfchcek)课件(32张PPT)+练习

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:15836397Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B(3a-Self check)练习 一、翻译短语 1. 对某人心存感激____ 2. 连同____ 3. 对......有责任____ 4. 渴求,渴望____ 5. (时间)过去____ 6. 弄得一团乱____ 7. 沉住气;保持冷静____ 8. 骄傲____ 9. 出发;启程____ 10. 犯错____ 11. 放弃____ 12. 在......之前____ 13. 充满…... ____ 14. 处理____ 15. 成长____ 16. 学校调查____ 17. 连续几次地____ 18. 达标____ 19. 休息____ 20. 清楚地指示____ 21. 对某人有耐心的____ 22. 解决____ 23. 指导某人做事____ 24. 投入更多的努力____ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I used to _____ (be) a shy girl. 2. I _____ (make) so many friends since I came to China. 3. Now I realized that I was just _____ (be) silly at that time. 4. I can’t _____ (believe) that time went by so fast! 5. I am looking forward to _____ (get) into a senior high school now. 三、根据所给汉语完成英语句子。 1. 我不敢相信今天是初中学业的最后一天。 I _____ _____ that today is the last day of junior high school. 2. 我仍然记得七年级的第一天就像是昨天。 I still remember the first day of Grade 7 like _____ _____ yesterday. 3. 我过去是一个真正害羞的人,我感到害怕和焦躁不安。 I used to be a really _____ _____, I was so _____ and _____. 4. 从那以后,我和朋友一起分享了这么多美好回忆。 Since then, I have shared so many _____ _____ _____ my friends. 5. 尽管我对初中结束感到难过,我期望着高中新的经历。 Even though I am sad that junior _____ _____, I am _____ _____ _____ new experiences in senior high! 四、单项选择。 1. You always _____ a mess. I can’t stand you any longer. A. set B. give C. make D. take 2. They are going to London next month. They are _____ visiting the Buckingham Palace. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking forward to D. looking over 3. We all want to know who can _____ the physics problem. You know, it’s very difficult. A. work out B. take out C. set out D. look out 4. Mark works hard now, and he does his work _____ than before. A. more careful B. more carefully C. most careful D. carefully 5. Mr. Smith, a famous scientist, _____ that park next Thursday. A. visits B. visited C. will visit D. was visiting 五.?情景交际 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Susie, did Rob tell you about his sister? She graduated from high school last Saturday? B: Yes! Rob told me. He is a proud big brother. A: His sister must be really smart. (1)_____ B: Yes, she's going to a very good university next year. Did you know my brother graduated last month? A: (2)_____ B: No! From college! A: Congratulations to your brother! (3)_____ B: Yes, I did. My whole family went! We clapped (鼓掌) a lot for my brother. A: You are really proud of him. B: Yes. My brother started college 30 years after he graduated from high school! That's not easy! A: No. That's really brave. (4)_____ Good for him. Did you give him a graduation gift? B: Yes. I bought him a smartphone! A: (5)_____ All I got was a dictionary. B: Maybe you should go back to school so you can graduate again! A. From hig ... ...

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