
2021届高考英语二轮复习之完形填空高效练学案:典型技巧 07 利用换位思考 (原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:89次 大小:525520Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    备战2021年高考英语二轮复习之完形填空“典型技巧”高效练 典型技巧07 利用换位思考 【技巧释义】 做完形填空时,应仔细体会作者所用词汇的褒贬含义,可以设身处地地站在作者的立场来思考解决问题。想作者之想,感作者之所感,体会作者的思想感情。 【真题再现】 (2020·浙江1月高考) 主题语境:认识自我完善自我 I_was_born_legally_blind. Of all the stories of my early childhood, the one about a __1__ is my mother's favorite. (首段表明作者天生是盲人) I was only two when the __2__ occurred.We had just arrived home from a trip.Mom lifted me out of the car and __3__ to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief __4__ to dash across the lawn (草坪)—and hit a large maple tree!I was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and __5__ on my backside. Mom __6__ me to start crying, but I just sat there for a minute. Then I __7__ myself up and kept right on going. Mom always __8__ here that, as many times as I __9__ across the lawn after that, I never again __10__ into that tree. (二段插叙儿时的小事) Mom loves to use this story as an __11__. It reminds her that children don't enter life __12__ to take risks or unwilling to __13__ again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that __14__ as I grew older. When I __15__ my major life decisions, I was still that little girl tearing full?speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents' home to look for a __16__. Through years of __17__, I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high?need students. (三段以小见大,说明道理) We are almost certain to get __18__ at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happens, don't sit in the grass and __19__. Just get up and keep on going. It will all be worth it __20__. (尾段展开议论) 1.A. trip B. race C. tree D. driver 2.A. incident B. change C. illness D. problem 3.A. feared B. refused C. forgot D. turned 4.A. delay B. absence C. freedom D. rest 5.A. landed B. slept C. laughed D. wept 6.A. promised B. encouraged C. allowed D. expected (将选项逐一代入原文,判断是否符合语境,逐一排除不符合上下文的选项。) 7.A. woke B. picked C. warmed D. gave 8.A. adds B. replies C. admits D. supposes 9.A. drove B. lived C. stood D. zoomed (将选项逐一代入原文,判断是否符合语境,逐一排除不符合上下文的选项。) 10.A. crashed B. broke C. climbed D. looked 11.A. answer B. example C. excuse D. order 12.A. able B. ashamed C. afraid D. anxious 13.A. ask B. share C. learn D. try 14.A. honesty B. toughness C. kindness D. curiosity 15.A. regretted B. reviewed C. made D. explained 16.A. job B. friend C. fortune D. house 17.A. memories B. efforts C. research D. experience 18.A. mixed up B. fed up C. knocked down D. settled down 19.A. play B. relax C. dream D. cry 20.A. all at once B. in the end C. in either case D. as a result 【情节线索】 ?读段首知道作者天生是盲人 ?二段叙述自己小时候独自跑开却撞上枫树,爬起来后却没有哭 ?三段叙述作者的母亲以此事举例教育孩子:受到挫折后不能害怕或不愿再尝试 ?四段为情感的升华,表明作者的态度:不怕失败、 ... ...

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