
人教版新课标英语必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal Using language 课件(37张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:72次 大小:6651959Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版 高中英语 Unit3 Travel Journal Using language Look at the pictures please ! Think over what is the passage about. Look at the pictures please ! Think over what is the passage about. 1. Have you ever been to the Tibetan Mountain? 2. What do you think if you were staying in the Tibetan Mountain? 3. What could you see if you were lie down at the night in the Tibetan Mountain? 4. Is there snow in the mountains of Tibet in autumn? 5. Could you tell us something about your journey to Tibetan Mountain?? 1. Have you ever been to the Tibetan Mountain? Answer these questions Yes, I have. I’ve been there two years ago. It is very beautiful there. If someone were staying in the Tibetan Mountain in autumn, he or she would enjoy the beautiful scenery there. 2. What do you think if someone were staying in the Tibetan Mountain in autumn? But the weather will be very cold and the person will be covered with white frost just like a snowman. 3. What could you see if you were lying down at the night in the Tibetan Mountain? Answer these questions I think I will see many blink stars in the dark blue sky if I were lying down there at night. 4. Do you think there will be snow in autumn in the Tibetan Mountain? Yes, I think so. There must be snow in autumn in Tibetan Mountain. 5. Could you tell us something about your journey to the Tibetan Mountain? Two years ago, I went to the Tibetan Mountain with my parents. In my opinion, the most amazing place in our country is Tibet. It located in The Tibetan Mountain, and its average elevation 4500 meters. Therefore it's called the pillar of the world. 5. Could you tell us sth. about your journey to the Tibetan Mountain? We went to Lahsa, the highest city in the world. It is a mysterious place. We visited the Potala Palace, which is really magnificent. The Potala Palace looks lofty, resplendent and majestic. 5. Could you tell us sth. about your journey to the Tibetan Mountain? Potala Palace is composed of two parts, the Red Palace as the center and the White Palace as two wings. 1. What was the season when Wang Kun and Wang Wei traveled there by bike? 2. What did they look like when they ride their bike in the mountain area? 3. What did the children do when they ride bicycles along the way? 4. Why did the lake shone look wonderful? 5. When did they feel much warmer? A Night in the Mountains Read the passage quickly first, then work in pairs and answer the following questions. A Night in the Mountains Read the passage quickly first, then work in pairs and answer the following questions. 6. What did they see in the valleys? 7. Why had they changed their caps,coats, gloves and trousers for T-shirt and shorts? 8. When did they eat supper? 9. What did Wang Wei do after supper? 10. What were Wang Kun doing when Wang Wei went to sleep? 1. What was the season when Wang Kun and Wang Wei traveled there by bike? It was autumn when Wang they traveled there by bike. They looked like snowmen when they ride their bike. 2. What did the ... ...

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