
2020-2021学年 牛津上海版高中一年级第二学期Unit 5 Problems and advice speaking 教案word版

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:83次 大小:30427Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Ideas and viewpoints Unit 5 Problems and advice--What should I do? 教材分析: 本课主题为征求意见和表达观点。学生只在初中阶段学过一些简单的表达看法和建议的固定句式,并没有接触过这样的以篇章形式来征求建议和表达观点的文章。但是这篇课文中出现的话题非常接近学生的实际生活,会引起他们的兴趣和共鸣。另外,根据这样的一个文本,引导学生能解决实际生活中遇到的一些问题,尤其是正确面对问题,有一个良好的认知观,学会如何向他人求助。 学情分析 因为文章采用的是客观、纪实的写作手法和叙事形式,对话不是很多,注重的是事件描述和人物的心理活动描写,虽然有些长句子和分词的使用,但因为有事件情节的依托,学生理解起来困难不是很大,有些生词和旧词的新意(question、bark、violence)可以通过上下文猜测,理解其意。此外,类似的事件也会经常发生在正在成长中的中学生身上,文章可以引起他们不少的共鸣与感触。 阅读教学的重点与难点 引导学生运用skimming 和scanning 的阅读策略理解三个故事的主旨大意。 2) 引导学生通过阅读文本中有关人物的心理活动描写,读懂求助者的内心矛盾和纠结,并在最后能根据所学的内容,来解决问题。 Module 3 Ideas and viewpoints Time: April 25th ,2019 Class: Senior One, Class One Presented by: Chen Lihong Teaching objectives: To guide students to read three stories and understand the writer’s conscience. To develop students’ abilities to guess and understand the meanings of some words, phrases according to the context. To help students develop a proper attitude towards problems in their lives and learn to ask for help. Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching procedures: Problems and advice--What should I do? Stages Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purpose Stage 1Pre-reading Show three pictures to ask students what they will solve if they meet with such situations.Read the introduction. Say something according to the pictures.answer the questions. Lead –in.To arouse the students’ interest in the letters and get them prepared for reading. Stage 2While-reading Skimming 1. Guide Ss to look at the pictures and skim the first paragraphs and then circle the best answer for each question 2. Ask Ss to find the key words letters in the to support the answers above Choose the correct answer.Find the key words . To get a general idea of the three letters by skimming.To learn some new words in different ways, such as guessing、pictures 、using old words etc. Scanning Have Ss scan the excerpts to answer the questions and fill in the blank.. Ss read the letters and locate the information as required. To enhance Ss’ reading abilities of scanning for details. Summary Have Ss summarize what they have learned. Ss fill in the table. To check Ss’ understanding. Stage 3Post-reading Encourage Ss to give some suggestions according to what they have learned. Ss give some suggestions in their own words or given words、phrases. To help Ss have a better understanding of topic.. Assignment Listen to the tape and read the text aloud at least three times.Choose one story in the text and give your decision. ... ...

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