

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:4319818Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 七年级(下)Units 7~12 第一轮复习 教材梳理 中 考 考 点 归 纳 走 进 中 考 考 场 rainy windy cloudy sunny snowy Canadian Russian European visitor cooker cook singer sang sung actor actress builder building built built seat sat sat officer across crossing turning northern easily really heavily different differently height personal putting put put less least potatoes tomatoes special specially truth worried worrying excited exciting farmer inexpensive villager Indian visitor mice sheep awake flies flew flown natural naturally moved moving surprised surprising take a message call sb. back orange juice in the mountains summer/winter vacation summer school take a photo/take photos paper money lucky/gift money pocket money fresh air sunshine life free time post office police station weather station train station pay phone pay TV clothes store across from next to=beside between...and... in front of at the crossing  long straight black hair medium height medium build look like be like be different from first of all/at first in the end/at last green tea beef soup birthday person birthday wish one bowl of... take one's order be popular with make dumplings make a wish blow out cut up in one go long noodles a number of the number of go for a walk milk a cow feed chickens pick strawberries show sb. around learn about be interested in come out in the countryside fire station do one's homework go to the cinema run away shout at... stay up late make a fire so...that... each other/one another up and down living habit study habit How's cloudy/sunny/raining How's going great speaking It's speak to Where's next to look like are doing cooking What kind of beef and tomato noodles size bowl of medium take your a large bowl How was great did do did Who with went Did have did didn't 中 考 考 点 归 纳 B D B C D C cross A C A A C reading A B C C B D C B 走 进 中 考 考 场 C B C D B D B B B A B C B D C A D A D D A D F C B tomato criminal natural height excited exciting bring good luck to looks like In the end ran away went camping 外貌 高个子、漂亮 喜欢的颜色 蓝色 个人爱好 读书、旅游 品质 乐于助人 荣誉 去年教学竞赛(teaching competition)荣获一等奖(课件网) 七年级(下) Units 1-6 第一轮复习 教材梳理 中 考 考 点 归 纳 走 进 中 考 考 场 栏目导航 teacher teaches taught taught writer writing wrote written singer sang sung swimmer swimming swam swum runner running ran run driver driving drove driven speaker spoke spoken pianos pianist stories people clean cleaner quickly halves lives living lively alive usually unusual teeth feet buses news across crossing villager truly truth homeless farther/further farthest/furthest ruler ruler noisy noisily lucky luckily unlucky unluckily Australian American forgetful forgettable unforgettable forgot forgotten cutting cut cut shopping shopped dangerous friendly unfriendly southern giraffes children men reader read read learner ... ...

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