
Unit 4 Li Ming comes home Lesson 22 Surprise!同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:54次 大小:95932Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课堂同步练习 Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home Lesson 22: Surprise! 姓名: 班级: 要点图解秀 Danny and Jenny are making a cake and cookies for the party 基础碰碰车 Ⅰ . 看图片 , 写出相应的单词。 1. 2. 697179-66793 3. 717671169602 4. Ⅱ . 单词变身。 1.flour( 同音词 ) 2.close( 反义词 ) 3.make( 现在分词 ) 4.my( 名词性物主代词 ) 5.cookie( 复数形式 ) Ⅲ . 单词分类。 不可数名词 可数名词 Ⅳ . 情景交际你能行。 ( )1. 当你想告诉大家“史密斯先生在四点钟会把 李明带回家。”时 , 你会说 : A.Mr.Smith will bring Li Ming to home at 4:00. B.Mr.Smith will bring Li Ming home at 4:00. C.Mr.Smith will take Li Ming to home at 4:00. ( )2. 当你想告诉大家“他们正在为晚会制作饼干。” 时 , 你会说 : A.They?re making a cake for the party. B.They made cookies for the party. C.They?re making cookies for the party. ( )3. 当你想说“每块饼干上都有字母。”时 , 你 会说 : A.Every cookies has letters. B.Every cookie has letter. C.Every cookie has letters. ( )4. 当你想说“大家来参加聚会。”时, 你会说: A.People arrive for the party. B.People arrive the party. C.People arrive to the party. egg,milk,apple,rice,cake,salt,sugar,flour, ice-cream,water,cookie,oil,tomato,sandwich -1- 升级跷跷板 . 读一读 , 想一想 , 根据汉语提示完成句子。 今天是李明意料之外的聚会。 Today is Li Ming?s . 2.———这个饼干是我的。 ———那个是你的。 —That one is . 3.“我来得很早 ,”史蒂文说。“你们需要帮助吗 ?” 2.They begin make cookies. “是的 ! 来厨房吧。”詹妮说。 “I?m here ,”says Steven.“Do you 3.Here she come. need ?” “Yes! to the kitchen.”says Jenny. 4.Li Ming open the door. 4. 史密斯先生和李明在买纪念品。 —This is . ( )4.There someone at the door. A.are B.be C.is ( )5.—Whose name begins L ? —Li Ming?s. A.with B.in C.on Ⅶ . 我知道哪儿出错了。 1.Danny with Jenny are making a cake. Mr.Smith and Li Ming for souvenirs. 5. 今天早晨李明和史密斯先生一起到达的。 Li Ming Mr.Smith this morning. Ⅵ . 火眼金睛我最棒 , 快来找出正确的选项。 ( )1.Every cookie letters! A.have B.has C.had ( )2.All of the people often some food in the shop. A.buys B.buy C.buying ( )3.Mr.Smith knows about the party,but Li Ming . A.doesn?t B.don?t C.isn?t Ⅷ . 读一读 , 想一想 , 选择最合适的选项。 My mother can 1 cookies.First,she 2 a bowl.Then she 3 a glass of milk,two eggs,sugar,a little salt,oil and some flour 4 the bowl.She mixes( 搅 拌 )them together.She puts them in the oven( 烤箱 ).After twenty minutes,the cookies are okay.She makes six 5 .Every cookie 6 letters. ( )1.A.do B.make C.makes ( )2.A.brings B.bring C.brought ( )3.A.put B.putting C.puts ( )4.A.on B.in C.at ( )5.A.cake B.dessert C.cookies ( )6.A.has B.have C.there is -2- Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home 课堂同步练习答案 Lesson 22:Surprise! 答案 : Ⅰ .1.ice cream 2.cake 3.cookies 4.basketball Ⅱ .1.flower 2.open 3.making 4.mine 5.cookies Ⅲ . 可数名词 :egg,apple,cake,cookie,tomato,sandwich 不可数名词 :milk,rice,salt,sugar,flour,ice-cream,water,oil Ⅳ .1—4 BCCA Ⅴ .1.surprise party 2.cookie;mine;yours 3.early;any help;Come 4.are shopping 5.arrived with Ⅵ .1—5 BBACA Ⅶ .1.A and 2.C to ... ...

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