
人教版(新课标)高中英语选修七Unit4 Sharing warming up &Reading课件2(35张ppt)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:1447648Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Sharing Think about the things you do to help other people. Who did you help before? People who help others in their community or outside their community would be called volunteers. Volunteer However, they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or friends. Teaching the kids in the mountainous areas a volunteer teacher Jo,a young Australian woman, was a volunteer teacher who worked in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. A Letter Home Pre-reading 1 who wrote the letter? 2 who was she ? Jo, a young Australian woman who has worked as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea for two years. Jo What do you know about Papua New Guinea? It is situated to the north of Australia and westsouthern of the Pacific Ocean Scanning Read the text in 2 minutes and tell us what Jo talks about in the letter. (main idea) A LETTER HOME In the letter , Jo talks about the school she worked and the life in the village she visited in PNG TASK 1 We can divide it into four parts, and summarize what each part is about. Part 1 (Paragraph 1) Part 2 (Paragraph 2-3) Part 3 (Paragraph 4-8) Part 4 (Paragraph 9) Topic A) The school where Jo worked and Jo’s work at school. B) Jo and Jenny visited Tombe’s home in the village. C) Closing of the letter. D) Opening of the letter and introduction to what will be talked about in the passage. Reading-- Listening and Skimming careful reading para 2—3 (school) 1 Every morning who says hello to Jo? 2 What happened in the science lesson? 3 Why do you think the boys jumped out of the windows? 4 What will most boys do after year 8 ? The boys The boys jumped out of the window when they saw the mixture bubbling over everywhere Because they have never come across this kind of experiment . Most of them will go back to their villages TASK 3 The classrooms are made of bricks(砖) and the roofs from grass. 2. It always takes the boys only a few minutes to get to the school. 3. We have textbooks and teacher’s book. 4. There was a newly bed for Jenny and me to sleep on. 5. We eat a lot of delicious meat. Read the passage quickly and decide whether the following statements are true or false. F bamboo F F a long time haven’t Scanning platform vegetables . F F Careful reading Read the passage again and finish the chart. Jo’s high school It’s a(n) ____ school– the classroom are made of ____ and the roofs from grass. There’s no _____ and we don’t have any textbooks. bush bamboo electricity or water Jo’s first visit to a village Looks of a man’s house The house is a low bamboo____ with ____ sticking out of the____. Sleeping arrangements Jenny and I sleep on a newly made _____. Possessions I can only see a few_____. Diet We eat _____, _____and greens. hut grass roof platform tin plates and cups and a couple of jars sweet potatoes corn Find or guess the reasons for these facts according to Jo’s letter. The boys jumped out of the windows in the ... ...

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