
2021届新高考英语押题模拟卷 Word版含解析(无听力题无原材料及音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:83968Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021届新高考英语押题卷 一、 (2021·湖北省八市高三3月联考)Remember to study for knowledge and not study for getting good grades! This helped me a lot, and 50 might help you too. ●Keep your study area organized and comfortable. This helps you to concentrate better while studying by reducing unwanted distractions. Keeping all the required books, pens, and other instruments within reach helps you to stay focused on studying. You don’t have to look around for any book you need. ●Discover ways to enhance your concentration. Concentration is unquestionably the most important attribute necessary to enjoy studying. Staying focused on what you are reading helps you to understand and absorb it. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for you to find out all the essentials that enhance your concentration. ●To enjoy studying, prepare in advance for tests. If you intend Lo truly enjoy studying, you must make it a habit to prepare well in advance for all your tests. You cannot enjoy studying when you are preparing on the last day prior to your test. This will make studying a painful experience for you. ●Ensure that your study area is free from disturbances. Ensure that outside noise and disturbances do not affect your studies. Your study table must be located in a silent area free from all external disturbances. ●Mark all important dates on a wall calendar. ●Remember to take short breaks. Taking short breaks during studying helps you in retaining more of what you have studied. Hence, short breaks are helpful during a long study session. ●Manage your time in a wise way. ●Stay positive. Staying positive is necessary to enjoy studying. Think of all the benefits you can obtain from scoring high grades. This will motivate you 10 strive harder in your studies. ●Be prepared; remove fear of exams. 1.What helps you to stay focused according to the text? A.Enjoying studying. B.Preparing well in advance for you tests. C.Taking short breaks during studying. D.Keeping unnecessary distractions away. 2.If you want to keep in your memory as much 28 possible of what you have learned, what should you try to avoid? A.A long study session without taking short breaks. B.The essentials that enhance your concentration. C.The painful experience of taking exams. D.Preparation for your Lest on the last day. 3.What could be the best tile of this text? A.How to score the best grades? B.How to get rid of disturbances? C.How to improve your ability to study? D.How to make the best of your time? 二、 (2021·山东潍坊第一中学高三上学期开学检测)Bradley McConachie, a 33-year-old Australian is actually a student in international relations completing his PhD through Griffith University. He came to Beijing for a cooperative research at Beijing University two years ago. Such an academic life was colorful with a chance offered by the cultural exchanges project, "I'm in China". 牋 Bradley was lucky to win the most "likes" for his photo story about his life in China and became one of 20 win ... ...

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