
Module 2 Unit 6 Food and drinks 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:10664477Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Food and drinks _____ _____ 学会听、说、读、写单词biscuit,bread,egg,juice,milk 学会熟练运用句型What?do?you?have? I?have... 与同学谈论食物,并感受食物带给我们的快乐 学会认读该单元单词,结合图片等形象趣味教学,如:biscuit, bread,egg, juice, milk 课本第22页Listen??and?say,认读翻译句子 口语播音园,学会辅音/v/ /f/的发音,感受清浊辅音的差别 例题1.-What do you have? -I have some . A. biscuit????????B. banana???? ??C. juice 解析 some,意为“一些”,所以biscuit, banana要用复数形式,而juice为不可数名词,无单复数形式的区分。 答案 C 例题 2. -What?do?you?have?___breakfast? - I?have?some?bread.? A.??in???????????? B.?for???????? ?C. to 解析 have可意为“有”“吃”等意思,这里指的是“你早餐吃了什么?”,for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner固定用法。 答案 B 例题 3. -I?have?some?noodles. - What_____you?? A.??about??????? ??B.?for?????? ???C.?to 解析 What about you表示“你呢”。 答案 A 根据图片写单词 1. b s c t 2. b r d 3. e 4. j i e 5. m k 6. w t 二、根据图片编写,并与老师练习对话。 参考:What do we have for breakfast? We have.... I like.... What about you? I like... too. _____ 一、连词成句,注意大小写及标点。 1. breakfast, have, for, do, what, you (?) _____ 2. have, I, milk,, eggs, and, some (.) _____ 3. my, fish, favorite, is, food (.) _____ 4. like, very, I, noodles, much, (.) _____ 5. biscuits, I, too, like (.) _____ 二、英汉互译 1. 你有什么? _____ 2. I have some bread and bananas. _____ 3. What do you have for breakfast? _____ 4. 我们早餐吃了一些面条和橙汁。 _____ _____ _____ 一、根据图片提示,进行填空 Alice: What do you (吃) for breakfast?John:I have (一些) and an for breakfast. Alice: I like (面条). I don’t like (橙子). Alice: What do you have for breakfast?Jack: I have some , and an for breakfast. Bob: I like (香蕉) and orange (橙汁), what about you?Kitty: I like (牛奶). 情景问答 1. 如果你想问别人有没有一些橙汁,你该怎么问? A. Does you have some orange juice? B.Are you have some orange juice? C. Do you have some orange juice? 2. 如果你想告诉别人你早餐吃了牛奶和面包,你该怎么说? A. I like milk and bread. B.I have some milks and breads. C. I have some milk and bread. 三、阅读理解。对的写T, 错的写F My name is Tom. I am a bear. I’m small and lovely. I like honey(蜂蜜). I live in the cave(洞穴) with my mother. I can run fast. In spring(春天), it is warm. The trees are green. I like running on the green grass(草). In summer(夏天), I can hear the insects singing in the trees. In autumn(秋天), I can watch the yellow leaves falling on the ground. In winter(冬天), the snow falls from the sky. It’s cold outside. But I sleep in my warm cave and dream about(做梦) the next spring. ( ) 1.Tom is a big and lovely bear. ( ) 2.Tom can run slowly(慢). ( ) 3. Tom lives in a zoo. ( ) 4. In spring, Tom can watch the yellow leaves falling. ( ) 5. Tom sleeps in the cave in winter. 参考答案 一、1.(bread)2. (bread)3. (egg)4. ( juice )5. (milk)6. ( water ) 二、 1. --What do we have for breakfast? --We have some bread and milk. --What do w ... ...

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